What’s Email Notification?

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Email notification alerts you of new mail through audio files, animated icons, or popups. Monitoring software can offer advanced options for mobile notification, including SMS, alarms, or pager messages. The software is inexpensive and easy to find, making it convenient for those on-the-go.

Email notification alerts you when new mail arrives, and can happen in a variety of ways depending on the application you’re using. Most email clients (the software that handles your mail) use audio files, an animated system tray (systray) icon, a popup window, or some combination of these. While they’re fine while you’re working on the computer itself, they aren’t much help if you’re on the go. In this case, special monitoring software can offer advanced options for mobile email notification, including sending a text message to the mobile phone, triggering an alarm on the phone, or sending a message to the pager.

The way it works is simple. The monitoring application is left running in the background along with the email client which is set to check for new mail at regular pre-configured intervals. When new mail arrives, the monitor program automatically uses a SMS (Short Message Service) gateway to send the email notification to the mobile phone. SMS is used by virtually all cell phone services and paging companies to forward text messages of 160 characters or less. The text message informs you that you have new mail and includes the sender’s address and perhaps the first few words of the message body. Instead of a text message you could choose to have the program play an alarm on your cell phone or send a message to your pager.

Email notification software is inexpensive and easy to find via a search engine. It’s great for business that allows you to stay on top of emails that require timely responses. In fact, it’s so convenient that it’s almost unthinkable that options for contacting a cell phone or pager wouldn’t soon find their way into standard email clients, negating the need for additional monitoring software.

If you’re someone on the go who requires a quick response to your email correspondence, mobile email notification software might be just what you’re looking for to network your world.

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