Ethanol alcohol is a clear, flammable substance made from fermented sugars and can be used for industrial or human consumption purposes. It can be produced from starches or synthetically. Denatured alcohol is used in the production of other products, while biofuels are made from crops. Ethanol is toxic to the human body and affects the central nervous system. The body’s process of eliminating it is complex and has limits.
Alcohol is a distilled product. Ethanol alcohol, sometimes called ethyl or grain alcohol, is a clear substance often made from fermented sugars. It can be used for industrial purposes, such as the production of perfume and explosives. It can also be used for human consumption in products such as medicines or liqueurs. When this type of alcohol is consumed, it can affect the central nervous system.
Ethanol alcohol has both a smell and a taste. It’s a volatile substance, which means it evaporates quickly, and it’s also flammable. It can be, and often is, mixed with water and other organic substances. Commercial ethanol solutions can commonly be found that contain 95% ethanol and 5% water. If a person wants to turn such a solution into pure ethanol, there are desiccants that can allow him to do so.
Starches such as potatoes or corn can be used to make this type of alcohol. To do this, however, starches must first be broken down into simple sugars. Fermenting sugar for this purpose can be quite complex. The process may involve the combination of simple sugars, water, yeast and ammonia.
Ethanol can also be produced synthetically from acetaldehyde or ethylene. Acetaldehyde is a natural substance used in the manufacture of chemicals. Ethylene is a plant hormone also used in chemical processes, including some designed to affect the ripening of produce.
All ethyl alcohol is non-consumable. Some ethanol is denatured. These products contain poisonous substances that humans should not swallow. A common reason to denature alcohol is to avoid excise taxes. If the alcohol is consumable, such as with alcoholic beverages, it may be subject to these taxes and other restrictions.
Denatured alcohol is often considered a crude product. It is used in the production of other products such as rubber and paints. It can also be used as an automotive fuel or as an additive to other automotive fuels. When such a product is made from a crop, such as corn or sugar cane, it is commonly referred to as a biofuel.
Even ethanol that can be consumed is still considered toxic to the human body. When a person drinks alcohol, it is absorbed into the bloodstream. It is carried to the brain and produces an effect. The body immediately tries to eliminate this foreign substance, and in doing so, the liver produces acetaldehyde.
Since the process of making ethanol alcohol is complex and timely, so is the body’s process of eliminating it. There is a limit to the amount of alcohol your body can clear within an hour. The more a person’s consumption exceeds this limit, the more others may be able to notice the effects that ethanol alcohol can produce.