What’s Evergreen Content?

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Evergreen content is information that never expires and can be used repeatedly, attracting a lasting audience. Encyclopedic or topic-specific websites can offer evergreen content, which can generate passive income through advertising. Content that quickly becomes outdated should be avoided for long-term readership.

Evergreen content refers to informational or reference material that never expires and is therefore useful for websites looking to build lasting audiences. Good evergreen material can be used over and over again by the general public, creating a built-in guarantee of continued success. The quality of the content in terms of presentation, clarity and usefulness will go a long way in dictating the popularity of the site.

It is often said that human beings are not only in the technological age, but in the information age. People need information and they want it right now, whether it’s financial investment guidance, general, career-oriented, or hobby-specific information. Evergreen content provides these answers and almost guarantees a smooth traffic flow to the site.

Encyclopedic websites generally offer this type of content, although it can also be more topic-specific. For example, the International Movie Database contains information on virtually every film and television production ever made. It also serves as a who’s who to the entertainment industry by providing profiles and mini-biographies of actors, directors, writers and so on.

While these examples are far-reaching in their scope, humbler websites can also contain evergreen content. A site devoted to information about origami, aquariums, landscaping, knitting, scuba diving, hang gliding, or furniture finishing might include content that shouldn’t change significantly over time. Any hobo interest can serve as a hub. The longer a website hosts good content, the more likely it is that readership will grow, as people tend to link to good reference material, and readership also grows through word of mouth on newsgroups and web exchange forums.

Conversely, content that isn’t evergreen quickly becomes outdated or irrelevant. Current news and events might draw substantial hits on an established website when a story breaks down, but without constantly updating the content to update timeliness, a particular story’s readership will decrease. Therefore, if the desire is to attract lasting readers with the lowest volume of content exchanges, evergreen content is a better choice.
By building websites with long-form content, entrepreneurs from all over the world have been able to generate passive income online. Advertising can be added to a website for “click-through” revenue without using pop-up ads or other distracting marketing schemes. Domains and website hosting are relatively affordable, so anyone with the grit and initiative can start a website with solid evergreen content and, over time, benefit from it.

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