Express authority is when an individual or entity gives clear and binding permission for another party to act on their behalf within a defined scope. It is different from implied authority, which is based on past relationships. Express authority can be useful in situations such as temporary absence or illness, and lawyers can assist in ensuring proper documentation.
Express authority is a situation in which an individual or entity provides definitive and unequivocal privileges of representation to a particular party, with the ability to make decisions on behalf of that entity within a clearly defined scope of situations. Typically, express permission is given in writing that is considered legally binding, or at least given verbally with witnesses who can attest that authority was voluntarily extended by the agency. Authority of this type usually given to an agent or legal counsel who can then use these privileges to act in the client’s best interests.
The concept of expressed authority is very different from that of implied authority. With the former, there is evidence that the right to act on behalf of the individual, business or other organization has been intentionally granted to a specific party, usually with specific limitations on the scope of that authority. In the latter case, the implied authority does not benefit from specific facts confirming the transfer of authority to the agent or defender, but draws the conclusion that the authority exists on the basis of past relationships between the parties involved. In various legal situations, both forms of authority are recognized, although providing implied authority is sometimes more difficult than presenting evidence of express authority.
There are a number of situations where express authority can be very useful. Business owners planning to be away for a period of time can grant this type of authority to a trusted employee in the interim, allowing that employee to address certain types of operational and other matters in the owner’s absence. Similarly, an individual who is undergoing a long period of recovery from illness may choose to transfer authority for the management of finances and other types of assets to a trusted relative or other loved one for the duration of that recovery. , making sure that the interests of the patient are always protected. Lawyers can advise on any laws and regulations concerning the extent of express authority that may exist in the jurisdiction where the parties reside and assist in drafting the necessary documents to ensure that the transfer of authority is handled in a manner that protects the rights of both the agent and the granter of authority.