Falsework is temporary support structures used during construction to prevent collapse and provide stability for workers. Scaffolding is a common example, made of metal tubes and planks. Falsework is used in various construction projects, including restoration and remodeling of older buildings.
“Falsework” is a term used in construction circles to identify temporary structures created to support arches and spans during the actual construction process. The use of the suspended ceiling helps prevent certain sections of construction from collapsing while it is in progress and often provides workers with a stable support surface as they work on different aspects of the building design. Forgeries remain in place until construction is completed sufficiently for the structure to remain intact without the need for any additional support.
One of the most common examples of falsework is scaffolding. Once built with timber planking, modern scaffolding typically includes a framework made of a combination of metal tubes that are joined together to create a solid support system for the building. Depending on the application, the scaffolding may also be fitted with planks which are fixed in place and allow operators to move freely to work on arches or other aspects of the structure. While the scaffolding is sturdy and offers great support, the task of disconnecting pipes and removing floors can be done in a relatively short time once the fake is no longer needed.
Almost any type of construction project can make use of some type of forgery. Building a two story house is an easier task using this type of support frame when working on the facade of the house. Similarly, commercial building construction often involves the use of scaffolding at various points during the process. Building structures such as suspension or arch bridges are also likely to include the use of feints at key points in the project, both in terms of supporting the structure under construction and to make it easier for workers to carry out the actual work involved in the construction project .
Along with new construction projects, forgery can also be beneficial when it comes to restoring or remodeling an older building. For example, painters would use scaffolding as part of their equipment when repainting the exterior of a commercial building. Similarly, faking is useful when adding new design elements to an older facade, or simply restoring a damaged facade to its original appearance. While the scaffolding used in projects of this type is often used for multiple projects before being replaced, there are companies that use this type of support structure for a single project, opting to order new pipes and boards for each individual construction job.