What’s fantasy lit?

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Fantasy novels feature magical and mythical elements, and can be set in alternate universes or different time periods. Subgenres include high fantasy, dark fantasy, and comic fantasy. They differ from other forms of literature due to their fantasy aspect. Fantasy is related to science fiction, but uses magic instead of science.

A fantasy novel is a genre of literature that has fantastic elements. Stories classified under this genre often feature mythological creatures and magic. Depending on the type of subgenre of the novel, the setting of the story can be in an alternate universe, in the past or even in the present. The universal factor in all of these stories is, however, the fact that the events that happen in the story couldn’t possibly happen in real life. This drastically separates fantasy from other forms of fiction.

Novels are pieces of fiction that are longer than other forms of literature and are written in prose. Thus, they are distinguished from short stories by their length, poems by their prose, and non-fiction by their fiction. Fantasy novels differ from other forms of literature due to the fantasy aspect they contain. The characters and settings of a fantasy novel usually include an element of magic or the supernatural. Additionally, it can also feature a mythical creature such as a dragon, fairy, or elf.

There are several subgenres of fantasy novels, including high fantasy, dark fantasy, and comic fantasy. High fantasy is commonly characterized by the struggle of good against evil. An example of this type of fiction is JRR Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. Dark fantasy novels usually include elements of horror. Comic fantasy is a form of fantasy involving humor.

The settings in fantasy novels can vary drastically depending on the subgenre of the novel. High fantasy usually takes place in an alternate world. However, other forms of fantasy can take place in a modern setting, in the past, in the future, or in an alternate dimension. Some forms of fantasy novels take place in medieval times. Another subgenre, urban fantasy, will take place in a contemporary setting, real or imagined, and feature fantastical events or people.

The fantasy genre is closely related to science fiction. However, they are technically different. While both deal with events or places that are not and may not exist, science fiction uses science to do so. In other words, in theory, science fiction could happen with the right technology. Despite the differences, the two genres are commonly lumped together, sometimes even lumped into the same category.

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