Fermented soy products, such as tempeh and miso, offer increased nutritional benefits and unique flavors. Fermentation releases phytoestrogens for better absorption, aids digestion, and fights cholesterol. Fermentation can be achieved with specific bacteria or molds and is becoming more popular in the West. Soy yogurt and milk are popular dairy alternatives. Soy sauces like tamari and shoyu can be used to enhance flavor.
Soy is a soybean-based plant protein that is used to create a range of soy-based food products, including tofu, soy milk and soy cheese. Some soy products are fermented to improve digestibility, make isoflavones more readily available, and increase the already potent nutritional benefits of unfermented soy foods. Among the more familiar fermented soy foods available in the Western world are tamari, or soy sauce, miso, and tempeh. Fermented soymilk, powder, soybeans and many other foods that have been consumed for centuries in Asia are becoming increasingly available in the West.
The fermentation process releases the phytoestrogens in soy so they can be absorbed more easily. These antioxidant isoflavones are believed to reduce inflammation throughout the body and fight cancer. Fermented soy foods aid digestive health by introducing probiotic bacteria into the intestines. Yet another boost that fermentation gives soy foods is an increased ability to fight cholesterol.
Fermentation of soybeans can be accomplished in a number of ways. Most commonly, specific bacteria or molds are grown and added before or during food processing. Some home cooks make their own fermented soy foods, like natto, by following a few simple steps.
Because the greatest nutritional benefits and unique flavors and textures are the result of fermenting soybeans, more and more health-conscious consumers are looking to fermented soymilk, soy yogurt, powders and soy meat substitutes. Many buyers are familiar with tofu and soy milk. Fewer, however, have tried natto, tempeh, or other less common fermented soy foods.
Tempeh, a thick fermented bean cake, has a more intense taste than its tofu cousin blender. Like meat, it can be fried on the stovetop, boiled in broth or water, or cooked in the oven. Tempeh flavor is strong; those who like it describe it as tasty like meat cooked with mushrooms.
Fermented bean paste, also called miso, can be purchased at most grocery stores and increasingly at mainstream grocery stores. Adding miso to heated vegetable broth for a simple soup or spreading it on bread to add moisture and flavor to sandwiches offers health and taste benefits while being low in calories. Many cooks routinely combine some miso into hot or cold sauces, marinades, and dressings for salads and vegetables.
Other popular choices among people who eat soy for its health benefits include fermented soy milk and soy yogurt because they can’t digest dairy products. These milk replacers contain enzymes that have reduced soy sugars to improve their digestibility. Another way to introduce fermented soy into your diet is through soy sauces like tamari or shoyu, which can be sprinkled over rice or other grains, as well as meat and meat substitutes, to boost flavor.