Fig preserves are made by cooking fresh figs into a chunky, jam-like paste. They can be used as a spread, in desserts, or baked into sweet and savory foods. Any type of fig can be used, and the canning process requires equal weights of figs and sugar. The figs are cooked until softened and translucent, then placed in sterilized jars and sealed for up to a year.
Fig preserves are preserves made with fresh figs that have been cooked to create a chunky, jam-like paste. A wide variety of methods can be used to prepare this condiment, resulting in an assortment of styles, and there are several ways to use it. When well prepared, these preserves capture the flavor and texture of fresh figs, allowing people to enjoy figs all year round, not just when they’re in season.
Like other jams and jellies, fig preserves can be spread on toast for breakfast, but they have a number of other uses. For example, they can be used as a layer in a layered dessert such as a cake, adding an intense, fruity flavour. Fig preserves can also be spread on bread with cheese, baked into various sweet and savory foods, or eaten straight from the jar, for people who really love figs.
Any type of fig can be used for fig preserves and it is also perfectly appropriate to make a blend. Some people use whole figs, while others like to cut or peel their figs. When cooked carefully, whole figs can be kept intact, while cut or peeled figs tend to cook into a chunky mush like other jams. For a smooth version, the cooked mixture can be put through a mill before canning.
To make fig preserves, cooks should be comfortable with the canning process at home and familiar with the procedures needed to sterilize jars, such as using a boiling water bath. Equal weights of figs and sugar are needed for fig preserves, along with any desired added flavorings, such as lemon wedges, cloves, and so on.
The figs should be washed, destemmed and peeled, if desired, before being added to a large pan with the sugar and cooked until softened and starting to turn translucent. Some people like to steep their figs in sugar overnight, which can prevent burning in the pan, as the sugar draws out the liquid in the figs, creating a syrup for cooking the figs. If ingredients such as lemon slices are added, they should be tossed into the pot halfway through the cooking process.
Once the figs have cooked to translucency, the fig preserves can be placed in sterilized jars and sealed. Cooks should check that jars seal tightly, with lids slightly inverted, before storing preserves in a cool, dry place. They will remain open for up to a year. Opened jars should be refrigerated and used within a few weeks. If the jars do not close properly, they must be opened, resterilized and resealed.