Flex fuel, also known as E-85 fuel, is a blend of 85% methanol and 15% gasoline that produces fewer harmful emissions than gasoline alone. However, it is more expensive and can only be used in vehicles specifically designed for it. The availability of fuel stations is also a limiting factor.
Flex fuel is also known as E-85 fuel. E-85 is a blend of 85 percent methanol and 15 percent gasoline. The inclusion of gasoline in the mixture adds a lubricant to the fuel that prevents deterioration of rubber components in the fuel system, as well as corrosion on metal components. The alcohol or methanol used in flex fuel produces fewer greenhouse gases and harmful emissions than gasoline alone, therefore E-85 is considered a cleaner solution for fueling cars. Newer vehicles equipped for flex fuel operation typically have green fuel caps and special badging to identify the popular option.
In most areas of the United States, flex fuel is less expensive than regular unleaded gasoline, making the option of using the fuel a viable one. The downside to this decision lies in the fact that a vehicle will burn more flexible fuel to go the same distance that regular gasoline will take the vehicle. This equates to the relatively equal and often higher cost of using flex fuel instead of gasoline. This is usually not a big concern for those who want to use a cleaner burning fuel; However, for those drivers who just want to save on fuel, it is often not a popular option.
Flexible fuel cannot be used in a vehicle that is not specifically designed to burn the ethanol blend. This is due, in part, to the fuel system’s requirement to provide more E-85 than gasoline is designed to provide. Perhaps the main reason the fuel is detrimental to non-flex fuel vehicles is methanol’s tendency to break down rubber components. The fuel will cause the fuel system of non-equipped vehicles to stop working in a very short time. The vehicle’s on-board computer must also be programmed to alter the engine’s ignition timing to match the use of the flex fuel.
Cleaning the air and decreasing the rate at which greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere is the goal of alternative fuels for vehicles. By reducing tailpipe emissions and offering a choice for consumers, automakers are beginning to take a proactive stance against pollution. Having more fuel suppliers is the next hurdle to overcome. The availability factor may prevent consumers from adopting flex-fuel vehicles because service stations that offer flex-fuel are not abundant in most areas.