Full liquidation is the process of transferring control and ownership of assets to shareholders, who then assume responsibility for paying off remaining debts and distributing remaining assets among themselves or selling them. The process begins when a business ceases operations and determines its assets and liabilities. Shareholders prioritize debt and negotiate with creditors before dividing remaining assets.
“Full liquidation” is a term that is used to describe the process of transferring control and ownership of assets to shareholders, enabling those shareholders to make decisions about how to dispose of those assets. This type of business occurs when a business chooses to go out of business permanently and must meet obligations to both shareholders and other debtors. As part of the agreement, the shareholders assume responsibility to service any outstanding debts to sellers and others, then distribute the remaining assets among themselves or to sell those assets and distribute cash from the sales on some type of schedule of agreed allocation.
A business begins the process of complete liquidation by ceasing to engage in further efforts to produce goods or services or to market remaining products in inventory to prospective sellers. At that point, the focus of the company’s business is preparing for a permanent shutdown of the operation. As part of that preparation, the company’s total assets and liabilities are determined, including obligations to common and preferred stockholders.
In order to expedite the full liquidation process, the company will transfer ownership of all assets, including any remaining cash reserves, to the shareholders. In addition to receiving the assets, the shareholders also assume all remaining debt held by the company at the time of closing of operations. This means that shareholders take responsibility for paying off those remaining debts, usually by establishing some type of schedule that prioritizes debt, negotiating with creditors to accept less than the amount owed in exchange for having accounts settled, and using any legal option are available to settle those final debts.
Once the shareholders have resolved the company’s outstanding debt, they are free to use the remaining assets as they see fit. This stage of full liquidation often involves the sale of residual property or other unnecessary equity to settle the debt load, thereby dividing the cash among the shareholders. The actual amount of compensation provided to each shareholder is generally based on the class of shares held and the number of shares. In some cases, a shareholder may choose to accept an asset such as real estate or other company equity as compensation, assuming that the current market value of that asset is at or near the amount of compensation awarded to that holder. Full liquidation is only considered final when all debts are discharged and each shareholder has accepted and received his or her share of the remaining assets.