The G34 socket by AMD is for high-end computers and servers, with an asymmetrical shape and 1,974 contacts. It supports CPUs with 8-16 cores and has a maximum FSB speed of 1.6 GHz, with four RAM channels.
Socket G34 developed by AMD® was released in March 2010 and targeted for high-end computers and servers. Unlike most other central processing unit (CPU) sockets, the G34 socket is asymmetrical or rectangular in shape, and both the CPU and the socket have different numbers of contacts. This socket has four channels of random access memory (RAM) and the front side bus (FSB) reaching speeds up to 1.6 gigahertz (GHz). As a server connector, the G34 supports CPUs with eight to 16 cores, or processing units, for multiprocessing power.
The G34 socket is a type of LGA (land grid array) socket. Sockets traditionally used pinholes, but the LGA arrangement is an advance on that technology. This type of socket uses flat electrical contacts, as opposed to pins, and the CPU rests on the flat contacts.
Most sockets and CPUs share the same number of contacts. Socket G34 has 1,974 contacts, while the CPU itself has 1,944 contacts. With this arrangement, many other CPUs can be plugged into the G34 socket, but do not electronically interface with it due to the pin arrangement. Unlike most sockets and CPUs, the G34 series uses an asymmetrical structure, or rectangular socket and CPU, to provide the high amount of contacts for the socket size.
The G34 socket is intended for servers, so it needs to interface with CPUs that contain a high amount of internal cores or processors. Cores, in CPU terms, refer to several processors within the main processor unit that are capable of processing several functions or equations simultaneously. Depending on which CPU the user plugs into the G34 socket, the CPU can contain as few as eight and as many as 16 cores. Each core has 512 kilobytes (KB) of RAM for level 2 (L2) cache and 12 megabytes (MB) of RAM for level 3 (L3) cache.
FSB speed refers to how fast socket G34 can access multiple cores and perform functions. The minimum speed is 800 megahertz (MHz) and the maximum is 1.6 GHz. This speed is quite slow compared to similar sockets, but the multi-core running power compensates for this. Four RAM channels, or RAM chips, can fit into G34 dies, which gives the user access to a large amount of RAM. There are only two RAM sockets, but two RAM chips can fit into each socket.