What’s Genetic Mutation?

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Gene mutation can have positive or negative effects on an organism and can be caused by factors such as cell division, radiation, and viruses. It is essential for species evolution and can lead to beneficial adaptations. The concept of mutation has been explored in science fiction, but there is still much to be understood by scientists.

Gene mutation may be a staple of science fiction and comics, but its presence is very real and still not always understood. At a basic level, mutation causes a gene or genetic sequence to change from its original or intended purpose. It can be caused by a variety of internal or external sources, and the effects can be positive or negative for the mutated organism.

There are several factors that can cause the genetic mutation. In the normal process of cell division, mutation can occur when the properties of the gene don’t copy correctly into the new cell. Radiation, such as that from ultraviolet sources, can also cause mutations. The mutation caused by radiation can be very dangerous, but it has also been exploited for medical use, such as in the treatment of malignant tumours. Viruses, which attack an organism at the cellular level, can also be responsible for genetic mutations.

Mutation is essential for the evolution of a species. Some genetic mutations may be beneficial to a species, serving a purpose such as boosting immunity to a common disease. Introducing the mutation into a species encourages changes in the gene pool which can lead to beneficial adaptations. Negative mutations will often be destroyed through natural selection, as weaker or less adaptable specimens are less likely to survive and pass on their harmful genetics to another generation.

Depending on the type of cell affected by the mutation, the results can be positive, negative or neutral. Hereditary diseases, for example, are the result of a mutated or damaged cell passing the mutation on to each new cell it creates. Similarly, cancer is the result of malignant growth of mutated cells. However, a common mutation in humans, the CCR5 base pair, may confer greater resistance to some diseases including HIV.

The concept of mutation has fired the imagination for generations, as its potential power to change or harm human beings is enormous. A popular comic book series, X-Men, takes the concept to an extreme, creating a parallel universe where a portion of the population is granted superpowers due to an extreme genetic mutation. While the limits of the genetic mutation remain unexplored, it seems unlikely that anyone will start sprouting horns or flying due to the mutation any time soon.

The mutation has been better understood by scientists over the past 50 years, but still has many unanswered questions. While it’s known, for example, that exposure to ultraviolet radiation, such as sunlight, can cause mutations that can lead to skin cancer, the level of exposure needed is still undetermined. The science of genetics has made tremendous advances in knowledge over the last decade and each discovery brings scientists closer to understanding the properties of genes and the true effects of genetic mutation.

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