“Ghost riding the whip” is a dangerous driving stunt that involves dancing on or around a moving car. It originated in California’s hyphy subculture and became popular with fans looking for thrills. Although illegal, enforcement is difficult, and participants choose times and places when patrols are scarce. The stunt is similar to car surfing and should not be attempted.
In 2006, a rapper named E-40 released a song called “Tell Me When to Go”, which included the first major reference to a driving stunt called “ghost riding the whip”. In hip-hop parlance, a car is also called a “whip,” while “riding a horse” refers to a car without a driver. This trick involves putting a car in neutral or drive and then dancing on the hood of or around the vehicle while slowly cruising down the street. Ideally, a driver will get into the car before it becomes a danger to others.
“Ghost riding the whip” actually began before the release of the E-40 song. A hip-hop subculture called the hyphy, or hyphen, began in California’s San Francisco Bay Area in the early 2000s, with rappers like Mac Dre first suggesting the dangerous driving stunt in their lyrics. . It became popular with fans who were looking for the biggest thrill in hyphy culture, namely a practice called “going dumb.” The participants understand how risky the stunt can be, but the risk is also part of the excitement.
When the conditions are right, a driver will crank up the volume of his car’s sound system to deafening levels, and all passengers will rush out of the car. The driver will then put the car in neutral or drive and allow it to continue rolling down the street. Occupants begin to “ride the whip” by dancing on the roof, hood, or area surrounding the car. Some participants will also videotape their experiences and upload the results to popular video-sharing websites. When the music or the car suddenly stops, the adventure is over.
Although the practice of “ghost riding the whip” is considered illegal in most cities, enforcement can be difficult. Participants are generally very aware of their surroundings, so they tend to choose places and times when local patrols are few and far between. The stunt is the modern equivalent of car surfing, a dangerous practice in which passengers stand on the roof of a moving car as if riding a wave. There is also an element of an old car stunt called the Chinese fire drill, in which the passengers switch positions while the car is stopped at a traffic light. However, “Ghost riding the whip” is a much more dangerous practice and should not be attempted under any circumstances.