What’s Giardia?

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Giardia is a type of protozoa that can infect humans and other vertebrates, causing giardiasis, which is characterized by abdominal cramps and diarrhea. The parasite is typically ingested accidentally through contact with contaminated fecal matter or water. Proper hand washing and avoiding untreated water sources can help prevent infection. Campers are at greater risk and should boil water or use effective filters.

Giardia, also called Giardia lamblia, is a type of flagellated unicellular protozoa. It lives in the small intestine of its host and can infect humans. This parasite also infects other vertebrates and commonly infects domestic cats.

Infected people or animals develop a disease called giardiasis, characterized by abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, weight loss, fatigue, bloating and flatulence. Symptoms typically last two to six weeks. Each year, the parasite infects many individuals worldwide and is a leading cause of nonbacterial diarrhea in North America.

Found in the fecal matter of infected humans and animals, protozoa are typically ingested accidentally. This often happens when an individual puts something into their mouth that has come in contact with the fecal matter of an animal or human infected with the parasite. Often, accidental ingestion is the result of improper hand washing.

Water is another frequent route of infection. The parasite can be found in swimming pools, hot tubs, streams, ponds, rivers and lakes that have been contaminated with feces or sewage. Often, individuals accidentally ingest contaminated water when using such bodies of water for recreational activities.

A person with giardiasis may spread the infection unintentionally. To avoid this, proper hand washing techniques should be observed after using the toilet and before eating and preparing meals. Additionally, an infected individual should avoid swimming in recreational waters for at least two weeks after symptoms subside.

It is possible for a person with a giardia infection to be asymptomatic, which means they are not showing symptoms of the disease. An asymptomatic individual can still spread the parasite to others.

An infection is determined by examining the feces of the suspected host. Often, the parasite is difficult to detect and a doctor may take several stool samples to make an accurate diagnosis. Once confirmed, the infection is treated using prescribed medications.

To prevent infection, it is essential to wash your hands properly. It is also imperative to avoid ingesting water used for recreation. People should not drink untreated water from lakes, ponds, streams, and shallow wells. Also, it is advisable to avoid drinking water and use unprocessed ice in countries where the water supply is questionable.

In particular, campers may be at greater risk of consuming giardia. Scientists believe this happens when campers drink stream water contaminated with animal or human feces. To avoid infection, water obtained from untreated natural sources should always be boiled. Also, effective filters are available to remove the parasite from the water.

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