What’s Go board game?

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Go is an ancient Chinese board game with simple rules but complex strategy. It is also known as baduk, igo, wei ch’i or weqi. Players place black or white stones on a grid to gain control of territory and capture their opponent’s stones. The game is also a form of art and is played silently with carefully chosen stones and board.

The board game Go is an ancient board game that originated in China well before the 1st century AD. This board game has deceptively simple rules, but it can take a lifetime to master, leading many people to compare it to chess. In fact, Go is much more complicated than chess, with a huge number of potential game patterns. In English, to distinguish between “go” as in “she is going to the store” and “Go” as in board game, many people capitalize Go when referring to board game.

This board game is also known as baduk, igo, wei ch’i or weqi, depending on the region. Although it originated in China, it quickly spread to Japan and later Korea, becoming culturally very important in Asia. Mastering and playing the board game Go was a vital part of any educated person’s life, and popular Go games were often hotly discussed in intellectual society.

Go is a two-player strategy board game, where players battle for control of a grid by placing black or white stones on the intersections of grid lines. Besides being a strategy game, Go is also a game of aesthetics. Highly skilled players see a Go board as a work of art beyond a strategy interaction, and a beautiful board is seen as a mutual compliment to both players.

The rules of Go are quite simple. Each player can place a stone almost anywhere on the board. Stones can be linked together to form chains, which essentially turn into larger stones. Chains are used to gain control of territory on the board, and players can use chains to surround stones placed by their opponents to “capture” them, removing them from the board. In the board game Go, the “ko rule” prevents players from engaging in round moves. In other words, if a play resulted in a circular logical pattern in which control of a section of the board would simply cycle back and forth indefinitely, the move is not legal. The game ends when both players cannot make a legal move and therefore have to pass consecutively.

By convention, when playing the board game Go, people usually play silently. Knocking the pieces into their container is considered bad form, although it is permissible to click stones on the board when making a move. Stones and board are often carefully chosen for the best resonance for this very reason, in fact.

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