What’s group development?

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Team development involves forming a team and working together to achieve a goal. The process typically involves five stages: formation, storming, standardization, execution, and update. These stages were first described by Bruce Tuckman in the 1960s and have become a generally accepted pattern of team behavior.

Team development is a process of forming a team and then working together to achieve a goal. The process typically involves four different steps, with one more step added later: train, onslaught, standardize, execute, and update. The process was first described by Bruce Tuckman, an educational psychologist who first devised it in the 1960s. Since then, these stages of team development, sometimes known as team building or team development, have become a generally accepted pattern of team behavior.

The first stage of group development is known as formation. During this initial phase, the core group is formed and the members get to know each other. Even if there are pre-existing relationships, this stage is still important because it gives such individuals a chance to explore a new aspect of the relationship and also to interact with others. This stage could pass relatively quickly.

After the training took place, a stormy time ensued. During this stage, struggles over leadership and group procedures may take place, with many different people having ideas about how things should be. While the name may suggest a great deal of conflict, depending on the makeup of the group, the process can remain relatively civil. Group development during this period may be a priority over production.

During the standardization phase, things start to settle down a bit. A leader, or at least a leadership style, is chosen and the group begins the transition from the initial stages to the mature one. At this point, the members determine the final rules and priorities of the group. Some work towards the overall goal may occur during this time, but it is still time to determine what will happen administratively.

The run phase of team development is when most of the work is done. The group will use the processes and procedures determined in the standardization phase to achieve the overall objective. This is the stage where the group is most productive and will make the most progress towards its goal. While there may be conflicts from time to time, these should be reconciled according to the rules agreed upon by the group. Otherwise, a malfunction may occur.

The final phase of the group development process is known as an update. By this point, the party may have completed its mission, or at least decided that the mission was unattainable. This is the last stage before the group breaks up and is primarily a social stage where the group can come together and reminisce about the task and the process.

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