What’s Hasma?

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Hasma, also known as plasma, is a Chinese food ingredient made from the uterine tubes of frogs, often Rana temporaria chensinensis. It is used to thicken soups and is a delicacy that was once exclusively served to Chinese emperors. Hasma is also used as an herbal medicine and is believed to have health benefits such as improving kidney and lung function and stabilizing hormone levels.

Plasma is an unusual food ingredient consisting mainly of the uterine tubes of frogs, especially the species Rana temporaria chensinensis or the Asian grass frog. This ingredient is used in some Chinese soups because the fallopian or uterine tubes can thicken the soup. Sometimes, the tubes also contain some eggs that have yet to mature. Hasma is also known by other terms such as “hashima” and “harsmar”.

Many translations inaccurately translate “hasma” as “frog fat,” probably because female frogs would have been caught just before their hibernation period, when their bodies are fatter than usual to provide food for frogs during their hibernation period. their lethargy. Other people mistake the ingredients as toad or frog oil. Once the frogs were killed and dried, the butcher cut them open and scraped off their tubes, along with any fat stuck to the tubes. The pipes are then usually dried to preserve them and prevent them from rotting. When freshly acquired, hashima feels slimy and has the color of amber.

In China, the provinces of Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang are the main suppliers of hasma, with all three sitting next to each other in the northeastern region of the country. The three provinces have between them several mountains and forests where frogs are probably plentiful. Frogs have long been a delicacy among the Chinese, and hashima was once exclusively served to Chinese emperors. Since then, it has become accessible to the public through various restaurants, supermarkets, and specialty shops selling dried or frozen hashima in boxes.

Before cooking, hasma is prepared by soaking it overnight in cold water, then steamed for rehydration. For a faster process, some cooks immerse them in hot water over a small fire. When the tubes have expanded considerably, they can now be cooked and boiled in a little water, along with some herbs and sugar to taste, as hashima is generally tasteless and only contributes as a thickener due to its gelatinous texture . The broth is served cold as a desert, topped with nuts, dates and other cooked fruits such as papaya. Some restaurants also serve the dish with some coconut milk and tapioca pearls or “sago”.

Besides being a desert ingredient, hasma is also used as an herbal medicine. Many believe that hashima has a lot of nutrients since the frogs where it comes from consumed a lot of food to prepare for hibernation. Some health benefits include better kidney and lung function, a stronger immune system, and improved memory. Plasma is also believed to stabilize hormone levels during times of menopause and is said to improve complexion.

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