Heat stroke is a serious condition that can occur when a person is exposed to high temperatures or engages in extreme physical activity. Symptoms include high body temperature, rapid breathing, and elevated heart rate. Heat cramps and heat exhaustion are precursors to heat stroke and can be treated by drinking fluids and resting in a cool place. If left untreated, heat stroke can cause organ failure or death. Treatment involves cooling techniques and seeking medical help. Prevention includes wearing light clothing, taking breaks in cool areas, and staying hydrated.
When the body temperature reaches 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius), a person could suffer from a serious condition called heat stroke. It usually occurs when a person is forced to spend large amounts of time in a hot environment or when they participate in extreme physical activity in a hot environment. If medical help is not sought immediately, organs could fail, the person could suffer brain damage, or the person could die. Most medical personnel consider heat exhaustion or heat cramps to be a precursor to heat stroke. In many cases, it can be prevented by keeping the body cool and well hydrated.
Symptoms of heatstroke include a high body temperature, usually at or above 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsuis). If the stroke is the result of high weather temperatures, the skin will usually be dry and warm to the touch. If it is the result of exercise, the skin may feel clammy, almost clammy. Additionally, the person may appear flushed, have rapid breathing, or have an elevated heart rate. Sometimes a person will experience headaches, seizures, hallucinations, or even go into a coma.
Before a person reaches the stage of heat stroke, they may experience heat cramps or heat exhaustion. With heat cramps, you may sweat profusely, have muscle cramps in the abdominal region, arms or legs, and suffer from fatigue. Heat cramps can be treated by drinking plenty of water and electrolyte drinks and resting in a cool place, such as an air-conditioned room. With heat exhaustion, the person may experience dizziness, headache, nausea, clammy skin, and muscle cramps. Again, drinking cool, electrolyte-rich liquids and resting in a cool place can treat heat exhaustion.
If heatstroke is not treated, a person can go into shock. When this happens, blood doesn’t flow properly. As a result, blood pressure drops, nails and lips may turn blue, and skin becomes clammy. If left untreated, shock can cause organ failure or even death.
There are several ways to treat heatstroke, although, in most cases, you should see a doctor if you even remotely suspect the condition. An example of treatment includes placing the person in cold water to lower the body temperature. Another cooling technique involves misting cool water over the body and then venting it off. The evaporation of water serves to cool the person’s body temperature and to treat heat stroke.
Heatstroke can be prevented by following a few simple tips. For example, wear light clothing that fits loosely on the body. Also, take breaks in a cool area, such as an air-conditioned room, if you’re exercising in hot temperatures. Also, if the temperatures are getting hotter and hotter, it’s best to avoid extreme physical activity. It’s also important to drink plenty of fluids on hot days and when exercising in hot weather.