Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to accurately measure the momentum and position of subatomic particles simultaneously. This revolutionized physics, as it showed that there are only probabilities for these values, not exact values. Heisenberg used a hypothetical electron to develop the principle and elaborated on uncertainty relations.
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle is a principle of nuclear physics, first described by theoretical physicist Werner Heisenberg. He claims that it is not possible to accurately and precisely measure the momentum and position of any given subatomic particle simultaneously. The principle also states that the accuracy of the two measurements is inversely proportional: the accuracy of one measurement is correspondingly reduced as the measurement of the other approaches the limit of its accuracy. Heisenberg clarified the principle, stating that he had nothing to do with experimental techniques or measuring devices. Even under theoretically ideal and perfect conditions, it would remain valid.
In Heisenberg’s paper on uncertainty with respect to subatomic particles, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle states that “The more precisely the position is determined, the less precisely the momentum is known at this instant, and vice versa.” This statement sounds simple but it had important implications for the very new sciences of quantum mechanics and quantum physics. He revolutionized the way scientists understood physics, the universe, the nature of matter and reality. Before this idea was developed, physics was based on the assumption that, in theory, there was an exact and precise value for every aspect of every particle in the universe, even if the means to measure those properties did not exist.
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle states that not only is this not the case, but that it can never be so and that this fact is the result of the fundamental structure of matter and the way in which the particles that compose it behave. Rather than exact values for the various properties of subatomic particles, quantum mechanics is concerned with the probabilities of those values and how the particles will behave. It is also related to the ability of light to act as both a wave and a particle and the finite speed at which it travels.
As part of his work developing the principle, Heisenberg elaborated so-called uncertainty relations. As a basis for this work, he used a hypothetical single electron moving in a vacuum. Observations of the electron are described in terms of its momentum, which is defined as its velocity – speed and direction – multiplied by its mass, its charge and the time taken to observe. He used a thought experiment, using an imaginary gamma-ray microscope, to show that his principle indicates that it is impossible to know the exact value of all the variable properties of such a particle.