Hemorrhoidal thrombosis causes inflamed, painful hemorrhoids due to a blood clot. Causes include pregnancy, lack of exercise, and genetics. Treatments include sitz baths, creams, and surgery, with complete hemorrhoidectomy being the most effective. Recurrence is possible.
Hemorrhoidal thrombosis occurs when a hemorrhoid forms a blood clot. This leads to hemorrhoids becoming inflamed, tender, red or blue, and feel or appear hard. A thrombosed hemorrhoid can occur in an internal or external hemorrhoid, although it typically occurs more in external hemorrhoids. When a hemorrhoid gets thrombosed, it is usually quite painful and sometimes requires surgery.
A hemorrhoid is the result of a blocked vein in the area of the anus or rectum. Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the rectum and external hemorrhoids occur outside the rectumm. They can often be itchy and painful, and cause bleeding in stools and when wiping the area with toilet paper.
The causes of hemorrhoids are many. It can be due to pregnancy, age, sitting too much, lack of exercise, or a low-fiber diet. Other causes may include straining during bowel movements, lifting weights, and genetics. The cause of a thrombosis is often the same that causes a hemorrhoid, and any activity that causes a lack of blood flow to the hemorrhoid can cause the problem.
A thrombosed hemorrhoid often goes away on its own. After several weeks, the clot dissolves and normal blood flow returns. If it doesn’t, surgery may be needed. Sometimes simply stopping the activity that caused the problem, such as sitting for an extended period of time or stopping lifting weights, can fix the problem.
Other simple treatments can be done to help with the condition. Soaking in a shallow tub of warm water, known as a sitz bath, and using hydrocortisone creams can help relieve symptoms of thrombosis and promote blood flow. If these or other remedies don’t work to reduce the thrombosis, the next step is surgery.
There are several surgical procedures that are performed for a thrombosed hemorrhoid. The simplest and fastest is to drain the thrombosis by performing an excision. However, this is not the best long-term solution, as hemorrhoids and associated thrombosis can easily recur.
Another common procedure is tubal ligation. It consists of tying a rubber band tightly around the two ends of the thrombosis. It cuts off the blood supply to the hemorrhoids, causing them to shrivel up and die. This is not commonly done for a thrombosis, but is more effective than just cutting.
The most effective procedure for a thrombosed hemorrhoid is the complete surgical removal of the problem in what is known as a complete hemorrhoidectomy. Anesthesia is injected into the area and the thrombosis and blood vessel are removed. The problem can still recur, but this procedure is considered the most effective.