Hide and Seek is a game where players hide while one person seeks them out. It can be played indoors or outdoors, with different variations. The seeker counts while the others hide, and then tries to find them. The game ends when everyone is found or an adult intervenes. The first person found becomes the seeker for the next round.
Hide and Seek, or hide and seek, is a search game. Originally played by a group of friends and neighbors gathered together, the game of hide and seek now has popular variations in book, software and online versions. The old game of hide and seek has different rules, but these are the main components.
Set up old fashioned hide and seek
First, a playing area is designated. Depending on the circumstances, it can be indoors or outdoors. Once players agree on boundaries, they should be observed. Second, someone is chosen to be the first IT, the seeker who will seek out the other players. A home base is designated, and this is where each round of the game begins for everyone.
Afterwards, the players agree on how long they will have to hide. Usually, IT counts, using a method such as one thousand, two thousand or one-Mississipi, two-Mississippi, to make the count even, and about one second per number. Depending on the terrain and the age of the players, IT can count to 10, 50, or 100. If the child who’s IT can’t count as much as needed, an alternative approach is to set a timer.
Some games of hide and seek are played until IT gives up. In this case, players who escape detection are considered successful. An alternate way to play allows players to move to different hideouts if IT doesn’t see them. A third way to play is for the home base to also be a safe place for players to arrive before being spotted or tagged by IT, thus combining the aspects of hide and seek with tagging.
Playing old-fashioned hide-and-seek
IT closes his eyes and starts counting, while the other players hide. When the count, which should be done aloud so the players can hear, is over, IT shouts “Ready or not: here I am!” to signal to players that the hunt has begun.
IT then searches for other players, identifying them in two ways. The IT can call out the player’s name and position, for example “I see Bob behind the slide”, or the IT touches the spotted player on the shoulder.
Depending on the version chosen, players may move from one hiding place to another and/or run towards the base, in which case IT must try to tag them before they are safe. Once IT has identified a player, the player cannot apply to the base. Likewise, once a player is running for base, IT cannot call or call him by name and location – the running player must be tagged.
The round ends when everyone is captured or when an adult intervenes, such as announcing dinner time. All players who remain hidden are called. Typical calls include:
• Oli, Oli Buoi, free, free, free!
• Olee, Olee, gratis!
• Ally Ally Without oxen!
• Come out, come out, wherever you are!
Usually, the first person spotted or tagged by IT becomes IT for the next round of Hide and Seek.