Nearsightedness is when people struggle to see distant objects but can see close ones. High myopia, a severe form of nearsightedness, can be diagnosed by an eye doctor and is often hereditary. It can cause damage to the eye and may require treatment such as glasses, contact lenses, or surgery.
Nearsightedness, also known as nearsightedness, is an eye condition in which people have difficulty seeing objects that are far away, but can clearly see objects that are in close proximity. People with high myopia have a high degree of myopia and need objects very close to see them clearly. Nearsightedness is usually corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, or surgery.
In myopic individuals, the eyeball is excessively long or the cornea is excessively curved. This means that light rays fail to bend properly when they enter the eye, which is called refractive error. The nearsighted eye cannot focus sufficiently to see distant objects clearly.
High myopia can easily be diagnosed in an eye office by an ophthalmologist or optometrist. Visual impairments are measured in diopters, with positive numbers indicating farsightedness or difficulty seeing up close and negative numbers indicating nearsightedness. Higher numbers, positive or negative, indicate a greater degree of deficiency. People with high myopia have prescriptions above -6.0 or -8.0 diopters. Prescriptions can go up to around -35.0, which would indicate a very high degree of myopia.
Myopia tends to run in families and often develops in childhood. It sometimes degenerates, or gets steadily worse with age, and often levels off after a person has finished growing.
High myopia is particularly likely to degenerate or cause damage to the eye, which in rare cases can lead to loss of vision. This can occur because stretching the eyeball puts stress on the retina, causing it to become detached or damaged. High myopia can also be associated with cataracts and glaucoma. People with high myopia should have regular eye exams and tell an ophthalmologist about any changes in their vision or eyes.
There are several treatments for high myopia. Contact lenses are usually the treatment of choice. High prescription glasses must be very specifically and carefully designed so that they fit an individual’s eyes exactly. Eyeglass lenses also need to be thick enough, although advances in lens manufacturing have significantly reduced this. High prescription contact lenses reduce the vision errors that same prescription eyeglasses can cause, like making everything look smaller than it actually is.
Surgery is also an option for people with this eye condition. The most common is laser-assisted keratomileusis in situ (LASIK) eye surgery, in which a laser cuts a flap in the cornea and removes some of the corneal tissue, allowing light to bend properly as it enters the eye. Another option is corneal rings, where plastic rings are implanted into the eye to alter its shape. The plastic rings can be removed if needed or changed if a person’s prescription changes. As with any surgery, these procedures carry some risks and are not suitable for all patients.