High visibility clothing is worn for safety purposes and is made of bright or fluorescent materials with reflective strips. It is worn by cyclists, joggers, and workers in transportation and construction industries, as well as airport personnel and emergency services. Accessories like messenger bags can also be made with high visibility material.
High visibility clothing is clothing that is made of bright or fluorescent materials. These garments can also be designed with strips of reflective material, and are generally worn for safety purposes. Bicyclists, for example, often wear high-visibility clothing so they can be easily seen when riding on or near roads shared by cars and trucks. It is especially common for cyclists to wear some form of reflective material while riding at night or when the sun is low in the sky. People who enjoy walking or jogging also sometimes wear high-visibility clothing if they plan to exercise at dawn, dusk, or overnight.
There are certain professions that require workers to wear high visibility clothing while on the job. This is especially true in the transportation and construction industries. In the United States, crews working to build, repair, or resurface federally funded highways are required to wear high visibility vests during the work day. These vests are usually made of a bright orange material. By wearing these bright orange vests, workers are more visible to people driving on or near the roadway under construction.
It is common for employees working on the ground at airports to wear high visibility clothing. This includes personnel who service aircraft, those who direct them while they are taxiing, and workers who manage the movement of cargo to and from aircraft. It is important that pilots can see people on the ground to avoid injury and receive instructions.
High visibility material is sometimes used to make accessories instead of clothing. It’s common for messenger bags, for example, to be made with a shiny or reflective panel. Since bike couriers typically have to navigate city streets during the work day, it’s important that they be highly visible to everyone else on the road. Messenger bags have become popular accessories used by many people, some who don’t even own bikes. They are a good alternative to clothing made of reflective or fluorescent material.
Some emergency services such as EMTs and police officers wear high visibility clothing as part of their uniforms. This is considered necessary so that people who need their help can easily locate them, even in a large crowd. These uniforms also help them locate each other.