What’s homiletics?

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Homiletics is the use of rhetorical tools to provide religious instruction, often associated with preaching strategies. It encompasses research, definition, and preparation of sermons. The term has roots in the Greek word homiletikos and has developed since the early years of Christianity. Homiletics can apply to any type of religious discourse and varies in definition among Christian denominations. Interest in the formal study of homiletics has expanded since the 18th century, with many universities and theological schools offering related courses.

In the Christian tradition, homiletics is the process or approach of employing various rhetorical tools to provide instruction to the flock. Commonly, the term is used to refer to preaching strategies, although the term can also be employed in any setting where a discourse on a point of religion is presented. In addition to referring to the mechanics of the sermon or delivery of the speech, homiletics also encompasses the research, definition, and general preparation associated with a homily or sermon.

The word itself has roots in the Greek work homiletikos, which is interpreted as the act of gathering or gathering. In the early years of the Christian movement, believers gathered in small groups, often in homes, to hear youth movement leaders expound the basic tenets of the faith. As Christianity began to emerge as a world religion, the idea of ​​structuring this regular delivery of the spoken word in a more formal way began to emerge. From there the study of homiletics began to develop.

Since the term can also apply to any type of religious discourse, it could be argued that lecturers who speak about some aspect of Christianity in a public setting are actually engaging in homiletic action. Similarly, religious instructors who use a lecture format in their classes can be said to engage in the application of homiletics. It is important to note that the exact definition of homiletics varies from one Christian body to another. Some identify this process as applying only to ordained ministers who deliver a weekly sermon. It is not unusual for churches that follow this line of thinking to refer to the weekly sermon as a homily.

In denominations where lay ministers or others conduct much of the congregational worship experience, homiletic pastoral activity is shared rather than centered in one individual. Along with the preacher’s homily, this broader definition may include actions such as structuring the worship service itself, conducting congregational response readings, or offering vocal prayer during a religious meeting. For the most part, the various denominations that make up the Christian Church tend to encourage the study of homiletics, based on their particular understanding of what that concept encompasses.

Since the latter part of the 18th century, interest in the formal study of homiletics has greatly expanded. Many Protestant-affiliated universities and colleges now offer courses in lectionary homiletics. Theological schools also tend to provide classes related to public preaching that delve into the processes involved in preparing, organizing, and actually delivering the sermon. In denominations where full-time ministers do not provide religious instruction, courses and seminars addressing the actual use of homiletics by other cult leaders are not uncommon.

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