“The hoosegow” is a slang term for jail, originating from the Spanish word “juzgado.” It is used to differentiate from a prison, which is designed for long-term confinement. People are typically in jail for short periods and may be released or transferred to a prison if convicted of a crime.
At some point in nearly every Western novel, at least one character appears to end up “in a vest.” This colorful slang term is simply another word for “jail” and appears to be from the early 20th century. “The hoosegow” in reference to a jailhouse is generally heard in the American West, and alternative slang terms for a jailhouse or prison such as jingle, barque, joint, pokey, slammer, and big house can be heard in other regions of the world.
The etymology of “the hoosegow”, like many terms of the American West, is rooted in the Spanish language. The word is a corruption of juzgado, a Spanish word used to refer to a court or tribunal, derived from the Latin word judicare, which appears to be closely related to English words such as “judge” and “justice.” The first documented instance of hoosegow in print occurred in 1908, and the word may be even older.
As a general rule, this word is used specifically in reference to a prison, differentiating it from a prison. A prison is a facility designed for the long-term confinement of inmates, typically including services such as a medical clinic and library for inmate use. A prison, on the other hand, is much more spartan, providing the bare minimum for a few days of confinement.
Someone can be thrown in jail for any number of crimes, ranging from public drunkenness to theft, and someone can be transferred from jail to a formal prison facility if they are convicted of a crime that requires long-term imprisonment. Typically, people are only in jail for short periods of time, such as the overnight stay commonly used to contain drunks, and do not go to jail unless convicted of a felony. The exception to this rule is a remand prisoner, who will be imprisoned pending and undergoing trial.
Someone is typically released from the cabinet when someone arrives to rescue them, although in some cases prisoners may simply be released in the morning once it is determined they are no longer a threat, especially in rural communities. However, a stay in jail ends up on one’s permanent record and the inmate may be required to pay a fine or attend a court trial to resolve the issue that landed him in jail in the first place.