The lungs are protected by an outer membrane capsule called the pleura, which keeps them separate from other organs. When air and fluid enter the space between the lungs and pleura, it is called hydropneumothorax, which can be caused by injury or surgery. This condition is identified through medical imaging techniques.
The human lungs are located inside the chest next to the rest of the organs. They are kept separate from other parts of the body with an outer membrane capsule called the pleura. The space between the outside of the lungs and this membrane is a space, which normally doesn’t contain air or a lot of liquid. When a person has air and liquid inside this space, the condition is called hydropneumothorax. The causes of this medical problem include physical injuries and side effects of surgical operations.
The lungs are the pathways that allow air to enter the body, which must be properly broken down and packaged in order for the body to use it properly. This is the function of the lungs, and the rest of the organs within the chest don’t need to be exposed to the air, and this can in fact be dangerous. Humans therefore evolved to add an extra layer of protection between the lungs and other central organs, to keep the air out and also protect the lungs from any damage that could occur from the other components of the chest.
The space between the pleural capsule and the lungs normally contains no air and contains only a small amount of fluid. The low fluid level helps keep both the cells in the capsule and the lungs themselves healthy. Absorption and replacement of this fluid occurs regularly and the body maintains it at a controlled level. When air, or more fluid than normal, enters the space between the lungs and the pleura, known as the pleural space, it can be detrimental to an individual’s health. Hydropneumothorax refers to the specific situation where both air and fluid are inside the cavity.
Most commonly, hydropneumothorax occurs through bodily harm that can occur through injury or accidentally through surgery. This can happen through a laceration of the involved tissue or when the esophagus is ruptured. Operations in the location can accidentally tear tissue that allows air and fluid to move, and some procedures such as removing air already in the cavity can accidentally introduce fluid or more air into the space.
A hydropneumothorax is also commonly called hydropneumothorax or pneumoserothorax. The origin of these names comes from the Greek words for water and air, hydro and pneumo. This type of medical diagnosis is commonly identified through medical imaging techniques. For example, a hydropneumothorax appears as a blot on an X-ray, as the fluid and air have different densities than the normal appearance of a healthy lung.