Illegal possession refers to having an object or substance without legal permission. This includes drugs and firearms, which can result in criminal charges and imprisonment. Permits are required for firearm ownership and specific privileges are granted. Possession of prescription drugs without a prescription is also illegal. Punishment varies based on the amount of illicit substances found.
Illegal possession is a term used to describe actual possession of an object or substance without having a legal right to possess that object. The term is often used in law enforcement circles and can refer to possession of drugs without a prescription, possession of some type of firearm or weapon without having proper authorization to carry the items, or even possession of a controlled substance that is strictly prohibited by applicable laws. In most jurisdictions, law enforcement agencies have the right to arrest people found in illegal possession of drugs or firearms, resulting in criminal charges.
Many nations have restrictions on who may be allowed to carry firearms in public, or even who may own firearms in general. Typically, this means that people who wish to own handguns or other types of firearms will require legal permits from local jurisdictions. As part of these permits, specific privileges are granted regarding this ownership. For example, an individual may be authorized to own a gun, but not to take the gun in a public place, such as a mall, or to keep the gun in their vehicle. If a law enforcement officer stops the individual and discovers that they do not have a permit to use a gun, or that the permit does not allow the gun to be carried in a public setting, the officer is likely to arrest the individual. individual on the basis of possession charges. Depending on the laws in force, the result could be heavy fines or prison time.
The same general approach applies to different types of drugs or controlled substances. Individuals who are found in possession of a prescription drug but cannot prove that they have a duly issued prescription for that drug may be subject to arrest. The same is true when it comes to illegal substances the use of which is prohibited by current state or federal laws. For example, an individual found with a certain amount of marijuana on them may be charged with illegal possession of the drug and face criminal charges. At the same time, someone who is found to have a controlled substance such as an anti-anxiety drug or antidepressant and cannot prove that a doctor has issued a prescription for those drugs would be found guilty of illegal possession.
Illegal possession of drugs and firearms are serious crimes in many countries around the world. Repeat offenders are more likely to face time in prison rather than fines. Additionally, the amount of illicit substances found in the individual’s possession will often also have an impact on the type of punishment that is received. For example, small amounts of certain controlled substances can lead to fines and possibly probation, while possession of larger amounts would lead to time spent in a jail or prison facility.