What’s implicit cognition?

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Implicit cognition is the accumulation of unconscious influences from the environment that can alter behavior and perception. It affects self-esteem, attitudes, and stereotypes. Logic, origins, and intention are intrinsic ideas that are part of implicit cognition. Subliminal stimuli can influence behavior, but making rational decisions can limit its impact.

Implicit cognition is the perspiration of accumulated unconscious influences from the sensory environment that can alter a person’s behavior. It is considered a somewhat intangible but powerful force that has the potential to define a person’s perception of themselves and how they interpret reality. Implicit cognition is a key concept in the field of social psychology, and psychologists view the abundance of unconscious environmental stimuli as a dominant factor in the development or non-development of self-esteem; instinctive attitudes towards objects and ideals; and the development of avoided stereotypes. Unconscious observation of background stimuli influences personality and decision-making through traces or “shadows” of memories established by unconscious observation, which may be stored from early childhood.

Intrinsic ideas about logic, origins, and intention are part of a person’s implicit cognition. Logic is used in everyday situations, mainly in social and monetary transactions, and can be derived largely from unconscious cues. If there is a confrontation, it can lead to violence in individuals who have been triggered with violent unconscious cues; the person may describe the anger as “coming out of the blue” or not characteristic of his personality. The origins aspect of implicit cognition primarily refers to a person’s view of their childhood and how it affects their adult life, their family heritage and how they fit into the social hierarchy, and their overall view of the universe and life itself. Inherited implicit cognitive cues that are related to intention directly influence motivation, life choices, and the development or non-development of altruism and consideration for relatives and people of contrasting cultures.

The study of implicit cognition began in the late 1800s and suggested that stimuli presented to a subject below their level of conscious awareness could be recalled later in a validation test. Subjects in an initial study were shown distant and indiscernible stimuli, such as letters, numbers and simple geometric shapes. Words and numbers were whispered to the participants with a frequency that the human ear cannot easily interpret. Test subjects reported that they could not adequately feel or examine stimuli during the test. The results of the substantive test, which was designed to provide cues to assist subconscious recall, were significantly accurate, suggesting authenticity and substantial evidence for the implicit cognition phenomenon.

Subliminal stimuli are presented consistently below the threshold of conscious awareness in the daily life of the average citizen. Advertisements for food are a fairly benign example of implicit cognition at work. A person may glance at a billboard on the highway, not reading or focusing on the item, but find themselves craving whatever food was advertised at a later date. Addressing the limitations that implicit cognition has on authentic, self-activated thoughts and behavior involves striving to make contemplative decisions and judgments based on rational thought processes and avoiding knee-jerk, unconsciously programmed reactions during usual everyday interactions.

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