Inedia is the idea that humans can survive without food, while breatharianism claims that neither food nor water is necessary. It has religious roots and is seen as a spiritual practice, but there is little scientific evidence to support it. Well-known examples include Jasmuheen, whose experiment was stopped due to dehydration.
The idea that the human body can survive indefinitely without food is called inedia. Practitioners claim that by using various methods and techniques, they can function normally without traditional food. A related concept, breatharianism, claims that neither food nor water is necessary for life, and that spiritual energy is sufficient to sustain a person. Some respirators claim that sunlight and air serve as food.
Inedia is considered different from disordered eating or eating that severely restricts calories to promote weight loss. Although the effects could be considered similar to what happens to those who suffer from anorexia nervosa, those who practice inedia do not consider it a disorder or even a diet, but rather a general lifestyle choice. They see it as the freedom from not eating and the ability to process other sources of energy to keep their bodies functioning normally. The ability to restrict food intake is actually considered a side effect of living a spiritual life rather than a path to spirituality.
The practice of inedia has religious roots, most particularly in Roman Catholicism and Hinduism. In the Catholic faith, various saints and Jesus himself were known to live for long periods of time without a livelihood. Hindu history cites some examples of religious people who also lived as breathers. Various other religions also refer to fasting in terms of its use as a devotional religious practice and for self-purification. Inedia takes the idea of fasting to the next level, with practitioners able to demonstrate the extent of their spirituality by living on spirituality alone.
In modern times, there have been several well-publicized examples of people claiming to be practicing inedia. Perhaps the best known is an Australian woman named Ellen Greve, also called Jasmuheen. Her ability to go indefinitely without food or water was put to the test for an Australian television show. However, the experiment was stopped when she showed signs of extreme dehydration and the doctors feared for her safety.
Scientifically, there is little evidence that inedia is a sustainable lifestyle choice. The human body needs food and water to survive; without it, one risks starvation and dehydration. There is little to no evidence that those who have or claim to be people actually live without food, and in some cases people who claim to practice it have been shown to consume some food and water. In others, practitioners have died for their efforts.