What’s Intaglio?

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Intaglio is a Mac-only software that combines the drawing capabilities of older Mac packages with modern graphics. It can convert old designs into the latest version and supports various file formats. It offers sophisticated text manipulation functionality and works with all Apple technologies.

Intaglio is a package of software applications designed to work exclusively with Apple Mac OS X. Macintosh personal computers (PCs) have always had powerful and easy-to-use drawing capabilities. The Macintosh is the PC of choice for designers and other people who use a variety of graphics in their work. With Intaglio, these drawing capabilities are updated and expanded.

With the introduction of Mac OS X software, the drawing and graphics capabilities of the Macintosh were greatly expanded. Intaglio combines the capabilities of older Mac packages like MacDraw with the power of modern Mac OS X graphics. Intaglio maintains the original feel of MacDraw while applying all the capabilities of applications like Quartz and Corlmage. It’s easy-to-use software that Mac veterans will quickly feel comfortable with. Even beginners will easily learn this new application.

One of Intaglio’s features is the ability to convert all your old designs into the latest version. Converting your old drawings from ClarisDraw and MacDraw II to Quartz graphics will improve the graphics and allow you to continue working with them. You can also convert PICT images and many bitmap file formats, including JPEG, PNG and TIFF images commonly used for photographs. Graphics can be dragged out of Intaglio and dropped directly into applications such as Apple’s iWork suite.

Intaglio also converts more modern formats, such as SVG and PDF. You can drag graphics from a different application into Intaglio to edit them, and then drag the edited graphics back into the original application. Since Intaglio was designed to work exclusively with Mac OS X, it is able to use the native graphics features of Mac and take advantage of them with amazing results. Since it is based on the foundation provided by OS X, the price is low but the standard of graphics is extremely high.

The Intaglio software offers a wide range of functions. Includes sophisticated text manipulation functionality for complex operations. Text can be converted into a graphic path allowing any manipulation of the design. It also allows for drawing objects to scale, adding dimension lines with arrowheads, and automatic annotations.

Intaglio is a small company dedicated to providing the most outstanding Mac graphics software available. To do this, the company works with all Apple technologies, including Applescript, Colorsync, Quickdraw and Quicktime. Intaglio has applied, expanded and updated these technologies and provides support while using them. If you are a Mac user who relies heavily on graphics and drawing in your work, Intaglio is a cost and time effective investment.

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