“Ad interim” means “in the intervening time” and is used interchangeably with “in the meantime” or “temporarily” in legal contexts. It refers to the time between two events and can also indicate a temporary state of affairs, such as in loans or pawnshops. It should not be confused with “pro tempore” or “pro tem”, which refer to holding a position for a temporary period.
Taken from the Latin, the term “ad interim” literally means “in the intervening time”. It is used interchangeably with the phrase “in the meantime” or the word “temporarily”, particularly in legal contexts. It can also refer to an intermediate period of time, such as the time between one event and another. When written, it is often abbreviated to “ad int”.
In legal terminology, the most common use of the term “interim” is to describe the time between two events. This could be the length of time between filing an appeal and the actual date the appeals process begins, or the date the appeals case begins and the date a judgment is issued. The term is often used to specifically connote “between now and then,” meaning the time between the present and a specific date or future event.
It can refer to the time between the present and one or more alternate ending events. For example, the judge in a divorce case might hold that a spouse who has traditionally stayed at home with the family can, in fact, get a job and should be able to do so within a two-year period. The judge could, however, specify that spousal maintenance be paid by the working spouse to the non-working spouse “on an interim basis”, ie until the non-working spouse finds regular employment or for a period of two years.
While “ad interim” could mean “temporary” when used in this context, it should not be confused with the Latin terms “pro tempore” or “pro tem”, which literally mean “for the time being”. The difference is that “interim” refers to a period of time that has a specific start and end. “Pro tem” usually refers to holding a position for a temporary period which may or may not have a definitive termination date or event.
“Ad interim” can also be used to indicate a temporary state of affairs. The guarantee, for example, is offered on an interim basis. In the case of a mortgage or car loan, the lender retains ownership of the house or car until such time as the debtor pays off the amount owed. Pawnshops are also examples of interim solutions. The store holds an individual’s property until such time as the amount lent against the value of the property can be repaid.