Companies are increasingly recognizing the importance of treating staff and associates as internal customers, with benefits including better external customer satisfaction, higher morale, and better retention of good employees. It is important to prioritize customer service skills for all staff, including suppliers and contractors.
Internal customer satisfaction refers to an increasingly popular philosophy that companies need to treat staff and other associates much like they treat their clients and customers. Staff members are increasingly recognized as internal customers. and there are numerous benefits believed to come from ensuring they have good interactions with each other. These benefits include better external customer satisfaction, higher morale, and better retention of good employees.
Clients and customers rely on companies to provide them with goods and services. Businesses have long understood that they need to focus on ensuring these people have a good experience during these interactions. Within a given company, however, staff members also tend to rely on each other, creating another category of customers. Historically, satisfying these individuals was not a priority for most companies.
More and more companies are starting to focus on their internal customers’ experience when dealing with their colleagues. An employee who needs an HR representative to process paperwork for her benefits is an example of an internal client. Another example is a team member who needs a file from his colleague.
When good service is not rendered internally, employees’ best interests may not be served and people may not be able to do their jobs. Problems that interfere with these exchanges can have an even wider range of negative effects. These can become apparent externally and thus reduce overall customer satisfaction.
Conversely, it is believed that there are a wide range of benefits for those organizations that are committed to doing a good job with internal customer satisfaction. Productivity will likely improve and a company is more likely to retain and attract good employees. Additionally, morale tends to be higher and organizations experience a higher degree of efficiency.
Internal customer service extends beyond staff members. It is important for organizations to understand that the concept of providing excellent service must also apply to other associates, such as suppliers and contractors. To achieve optimal internal customer satisfaction, a business should prioritize instilling customer service skills in all of its staff. In many organizations, these skills are still considered something that is only needed by staff members dealing with the public. Companies that have forged a link between internal customer satisfaction and the potential gains and losses for their organizations have vastly changed their approach.