International mediation resolves disputes between nations with neutral guidance. The World Trade Organization and the UN have their own dispute resolution systems. NGOs like Amnesty International and the Carter Center can assist in mediation. The UN can also mediate if parties accept its mandate. Cultural and linguistic barriers can complicate mediation.
International mediation is an attempt to resolve disputes between nations. It operates on the same dispute resolution principles that apply to disputes between individuals. It’s a way to give the parties control over resolving their differences with objective guidance in a neutral environment. International mediation can involve things like commercial and trade matters or be an attempt to prevent or stop an armed conflict. Many countries use international mediation to resolve disputes on a variety of issues.
In the area of trade and commercial conflicts, the World Trade Organization (WTO) has developed its own dispute settlement system. The WTO is actively involved in resolving many trade disputes. The United Nations (UN) created the Model Law on International Trade Conciliation. The European Union (EU) has designated alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation as a top political priority for EU countries in all conflict situations.
International dispute mediators are often highly respected individuals with a strong commitment to resolving problems peacefully. A sovereign nation with a strong interest in international or regional stability will often act as a mediator in international disputes. Individual nations have immense resources to offer in the international mediation process, including political leaders with expertise in contending cultures and the nature of conflict.
International mediation can be complicated by cultural and linguistic barriers. There are also situations where the parties have a strong sense of national identity and a willingness to use force to maintain or overthrow the current balance of power. Mediating seemingly intractable conflicts requires a deep understanding of the parties’ grievances and a dogged commitment to conflict resolution.
Special non-governmental organizations (NGOs) such as Amnesty International and the Carter Center, founded by former US President Jimmy Carter, can also assist in the international mediation process. Parties to the conflict may consider NGOs more neutral in the situation as they are not supposed to have a government agenda and, ideally, their only goal is to resolve the dispute peacefully. This is also a consideration for using mediation organizations such as the Quakers, the Organization of the Islamic Conference and Oxfam. These organizations work not only to resolve the conflict but also to foster reconciliation between the parties.
Countries can also ask or accept the help of the United Nations in mediating their disputes. The parties must first accept the UN “mandate” for mediation, which means that the UN Secretary-General has the authority to meet with all parties to the dispute. He also has the authority to consult with all parties on solutions to resolve the conflict and to propose ideas and solutions. As with other forms of international mediation, the outcome is not binding.