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What’s intrinsic value in finance?


Intrinsic value is the perceived value of a stock, which may differ from the market price. Investors use various methods to determine intrinsic value, including qualitative and numerical factors, to identify whether a stock is overvalued or undervalued. The accuracy of intrinsic value is subjective and can be challenging to determine.

In finance, the intrinsic value of a stock is the perceived value of what the stock is actually worth. This value may differ from the actual market price, which is a product of what current investors are willing to pay. By using intrinsic value, investors hope to identify whether a stock is overvalued or undervalued and then react accordingly. Methods for determining this value vary among investors, who may choose to pay attention to numerical evidence or follow qualitative factors to calculate a stock’s true value.

The market price of a stock at any given time is certainly related to the overall health of that stock, but it can also be skewed by current market trends. If the market price does not reflect what a stock is actually worth in the near future or in the long term, investors may have an opportunity to take advantage of it. When accurately estimated, a stock’s intrinsic value can be more relevant to a stock’s overall strength or weakness and is therefore crucial investor information.

Intrinsic value becomes so vital in investing because it allows investors to identify a bargain. For example, a stock may fall into a downturn due to current circumstances beyond your control, such as a general economic downturn or a new entrant to the market. The falling price may not be indicative of what the stock has done in the past or what it is capable of achieving. If an investor can find the true value of the stock hidden below the current low price, then he or she will get a bargain buying the stock.

What makes intrinsic value somewhat problematic is that there is no sure way to arrive at an accurate determination. Some investors prefer to look at qualitative standards such as company leadership, brand, business model, and other more abstract indicators of strength to arrive at true value. These methods can certainly be effective if the investor is savvy enough, but since they are essentially judgment calls, these methods are far from an exact science.

Investors may also look at actual numerical totals to calculate intrinsic value, hoping that this concrete evidence will lead to a more accurate assessment of a stock’s value. These calculations, which vary in formula depending on the investor, typically use earnings-per-share totals and can actually arrive at a numerical value that can then be compared to the stock price. This method can also use future estimates of earnings per share to get a clearer picture of a stock’s long-term health. The downside is that earnings per share is a relatively useless statistic for young stocks that are not yet in positive earnings.

Smart Asset.
