What’s IT perf. mgmt.?

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IT performance management uses computers to measure and evaluate IT resources, with four types of metrics: network, software, business transaction management (BTM), and self-learning. It can be used in both business and operations contexts to optimize resource allocation and improve performance.

Information technology (IT) performance management is the process of using computers to measure performance levels and evaluate the performance of IT resources. This is often used in business and operations. In business, IT performance management focuses on making better use of money and reducing costs, while operations focuses on finding weak components and strengthening the entire system. Regardless of context, there are four types of IT performance management metrics: network, software, business transaction management (BTM) and self-learning. By recording and verifying these metrics, IT professionals can improve how IT resources are being used.

When IT performance management is used on a computer or network of computers, the administrator or administrators look to see how resources are used to see if there is any way to improve the network. There are two contexts, one of them for business. In the business context, administrators are looking to focus resources on sales and reduce costs and release IT projects that do not meet their expectations.

In the context of IT performance management operations, network performance doesn’t matter to the business. This context is about focusing all resources to make computer operations more powerful. Any failing components are located and isolated or deleted so that the network can use those resources for other functions. History about usage and workload is also recorded, so administrators know where most resources are allocated and can optimize their allocation.

Regardless of context, there are four approaches to IT performance management. In the network method, the network is analyzed to see how it uses resources. The network will also be placed in artificial environments to see how it would react to theoretical situations. In the software method, programs are checked to ensure that they are meeting workflow requirements and that end-user expectations are being met.

The self-learning method of IT performance management focuses on creating codes and formulas so that the network can diagnose its resource allocation. For example, if resources are being misused in a program, the network will learn to stop allocating the same resources and shift those resources to other functions. BTM is the only one that leans more towards the business context because it is about monitoring transactions, but data transactions can also be monitored for the operations context. This verifies the resources used during transactions to ensure they are suitable for the system and for the users and customers.

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