What’s Jainism?

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Jainism is a religion that originated in India in the 6th century BC. Jains believe in non-violence towards all living beings and strive to live harmless lives. The ultimate goal is to attain liberation by following the three jewels: right belief, right knowledge, and right conduct. Jains do not believe in God and emphasize the lack of dependence on material possessions. Mahavira is an important figure in Jainism.

Jainism is an ascetic religion that originated in India around the 6th century BC. Members of this religion believe in non-violence towards all living beings and strive to live harmless lives that use the world’s resources as little as possible. The ultimate goal of Jains, as the followers of Jainism are called, is to rid the soul of all karma, thereby attaining liberation. There are fewer than five million followers of Jainism in the world, most of whom live in India.

Jains believe that almost everyone has a jiva, which is usually translated as “soul,” who is at some stage of reincarnation, caught in a cycle of birth and rebirth. Jains believe it is possible to escape this cycle and gain moksha, or liberation, by following three central ideas, known as the three jewels. These three ideas are right belief, right knowledge, and right conduct. Right belief refers to seeing clearly and avoiding preconceptions; right knowledge means understanding the real universe according to the Jain scriptures; right conduct refers to liberation from attachments, following Jain ethics and avoiding harming living beings.

People who follow this religion try not to harm any living thing. They avoid stepping on or breathing in insects, often also covering their nose and mouth with a cloth to avoid accidentally inhaling anything alive. Jains are strict vegetarians and will not eat any root vegetables, as when the root is pulled out, the whole plant dies. These are just some of the ways Jains try to show respect for all life forms while seeking moksha.

Jains do not believe in God, a creator or any form of supreme being. They believe that the universe has no beginning, no end, no creator. People who attain moksha, or break free from the cycle of rebirth, while alive are called jina, which means “those who overcome.” People who have reached this level can be considered gods, or divine beings who have achieved perfection.

Karma is also a factor in Jainism, with bad deeds or thoughts attracting karma, which Jains consider a physical substance. It is believed that some karma affects the outcome of rebirths. In order for a soul to attain liberation, all karma must be burnt off and all passion must be eliminated so that it can no longer attach. Only then will the soul ascend to a state of bliss.

Jainism emphasizes the lack of dependence on material possessions, and many Jains believe that they should have as few material possessions as possible. An order of Jain monks, the Digambara, or “heaven-robed,” wear no robes at all, having renounced all possessions. All Jain monks or nuns must take five vows: non-violence, truth-telling, non-stealing, chastity, and renunciation of material possessions.
An important figure in Jainism is a 6th century BC Indian man named Mahavira. Mahavira was a contemporary of Buddha and is mentioned in some Buddhist scriptures. Jainism shares some, though not all, beliefs with Hinduism and Buddhism.

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