Lamb tenderloin is a tender and delicately flavored cut of meat from a lamb’s neck. It can be used for various dishes and is relatively inexpensive. Cooking times can be long, but the meat can be thinly sliced and quickly fried or grilled. Marbling in the meat enhances the flavor.
Lamb tenderloin is a steak that is cut from the middle section of a lamb’s neck. A lamb is a sheep 12 months old or younger. The sheep could be between six and 12 months old. This method usually creates a tenderloin that is more tender and delicately flavored than mutton. Mutton, which is meat from a sheep over 12 months old, can sometimes produce a biting, tougher tenderloin.
Butcher shops and food markets usually sell lamb tenderloin as one solid piece or cut into two sections. The meat can be used for many dishes, such as curries, stews and salads. One benefit is that this particular cut of lamb is relatively inexpensive. Cooking times can be quite long, however, and the tenderloin is usually cooked slowly slowly by stewing, roasting, or braising.
Another delicious dish is created by slicing the neck tenderloin thinly and seasoning it, then grilling or frying the slices and mixing them into a salad. This method will greatly reduce the cooking time because the thin slices will only need a few minutes sizzling in the pan or on the grill. The neck tenderloin of lamb can also be buttered or cut down the center and opened, like a butterfly, then stuffed with a filling of the cook’s choice and tied with short strands of twine. The tenderloin can then be placed in a preheated oven and slow roasted.
For variety, and if time is a factor, the lamb tenderloin can be thinly sliced and dipped in freshly beaten egg. A few bread crumbs can be spread on both sides and the slices fried in olive oil until a rich brown crust envelops them. This method should have your fillets from preparation to the griddle in minutes.
Generally, it is the actual cut of lamb that determines the cooking time. With a more tender cut, the meat can be seared for faster cooking. The tougher the cut – lamb tenderloin included – a slower cooking method is usually suggested.
When a consumer buys a lamb neck fillet, a marbled streak of the meat may be evident. This is a good sign because the marbling, or ribbons of fat, tend to bring out the natural flavors of the tenderloin. In general, lamb neck fillets are cheap, tasty and very adaptable cuts of meat. I am able to blend and enhance a variety of dishes and recipes.