What’s leg edema?

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Leg edema is caused by capillary dysfunction and can be a symptom of other conditions. Diagnostic tests may be done to determine the underlying cause. Treatment involves dietary and lifestyle changes, as well as diuretic medication to remove excess fluid. Left untreated, it can lead to serious complications.

Leg edema is a form of swelling caused by an accumulation of fluids leaking from the stressed capillaries of the lower limbs. There are a variety of situations and conditions that can contribute to the capillary dysfunction associated with the onset of edema, including being physically still for extended periods of time, regular use of certain medications, and impaired organ function. Treatment for this potentially serious condition usually centers on remedying the underlying cause of the bloating, as well as implementing dietary changes and using diuretic medications to clear excess fluids from your system. Left untreated, leg edema can impair mobility and lead to the development of serious complications, including impaired circulation and skin ulceration.

In order to establish whether edema occurs as an independent condition or as a symptom, several diagnostic tests may be administered after an initial consultation and physical exam. Because some cases of leg swelling are caused by a protein deficiency, a urinalysis and blood test may be done to check for markers indicative of any imbalance that may be present. Additional tests may include imaging tests, including a computed tomography (CT) scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), to evaluate organ function and rule out the presence of conditions that may contribute to the edema.

The development of leg edema is essentially the result of impaired capillary function due to injury or stress placed on the affected blood vessels. When normal capillary function is impaired, fluid often leaks into one’s system, causing swelling. In the presence of capillary dysfunction, renal function often declines to compensate for excess fluid accumulation which only serves to increase fluid retention, making it worse.

Different situations and conditions can lead to the development of leg edema. Regular use of certain medications, including synthetic hormones and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), can contribute to the development of leg swelling. High-sodium diets and lack of physical movement, such as excessive sitting, can negatively affect capillary function leading to fluid retention. Pregnant women often develop some degree of leg edema during pregnancy that usually goes away after delivery. In some cases, the onset of acute edema may be indicative of a more serious medical condition, such as impaired kidney, heart, or lymphatic function.

During the early stages of leg edema development, a symptomatic individual may notice that their legs appear to be shinier than normal or that the skin feels tight. When one remains still for a long time, one may feel stiffness or discomfort in the legs when moving. As the edema progresses, indentations may appear on the legs when pressure is applied and remain there for a few moments once the pressure is released.

Treatment for leg edema usually focuses on relieving the underlying cause. For many, dietary and lifestyle changes may be recommended, including limiting sodium and water intake, exercising regularly, and avoiding situations that make one sit still for a long time. In many cases, individuals with leg edema are prescribed a diuretic to help flush excess fluid from their system. As with many medications, regular use of diuretics may pose some risk to some individuals and these should be discussed with a qualified healthcare professional.

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