Leukoplakia is a condition that causes hard, rough oral lesions and white spots or sores in the mouth. It is often caused by tobacco use or weakened immune systems and can occasionally be a precursor to oral cancer. Treatment includes stopping tobacco use and maintaining a healthy diet, with surgery for more severe cases.
Leukoplakia is a medical condition that manifests as hard, rough oral lesions. White spots and sores may appear on the tongue, gums, palate, or inside the cheeks and lips. The exact cause of the condition is often difficult to pinpoint, although people who use tobacco or have weakened immune systems are at an increased risk of leukoplakia. Although most cases cause no symptoms or pose serious health risks, lesions can occasionally be precursors to oral cancer. An individual who notices abnormal spots or sores in their mouth should visit a dentist to get a proper diagnosis and treatment.
A person with leukoplakia might notice one or more white patches of tissue in their mouth. The spots are typically hard and thick and may look like open sores. They can be bothersome or visually bothersome, but typically don’t cause painful physical symptoms. If an injury breaks the skin, however, inflammation or infection can occur.
There are no known direct causes, but doctors have identified several risk factors for the condition. Long-term smoking and chewing tobacco use are highly correlated with the condition, possibly because the chemicals in tobacco irritate the tissue in the mouth. Individuals who work in industrial settings or mines where the air is polluted with irritants can also see lesions appear. A person with a weakened immune system due to a congenital or acquired disease such as HIV is also at risk of developing the condition. HIV patients often experience a particularly noticeable disorder known as hairy leukoplakia, in which the white patches are accompanied by fuzzy growths.
Most cases are benign and tend to go away over time. By abstaining from tobacco products and using a respirator when working in dirty conditions, a person can usually prevent future outbreaks. If a lesion appears to be spreading or has pain, however, it should be examined by a licensed dentist. A dentist can accurately diagnose leukoplakia and rule out other conditions such as cancer by performing a tissue biopsy.
If the biopsy results show no abnormal or cancerous cells, a dentist usually instructs the patient to stop using tobacco and maintain a diet rich in antioxidants to promote healthier tissue. If a lesion causes significant discomfort, your dentist may have it surgically removed. Cancerous lesions usually need to be treated with a combination of surgery and preventative measures to keep the cancer from spreading to other parts of the body.