What’s Levitation?

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Levitation is the resistance of gravity, often used in paranormal or metaphysical contexts. Levitation can be achieved through aerodynamic forces or magnets. Hindu gurus and Christian saints have been said to levitate, while mediums and psychokinetics use stage tricks or controlled environments. Some physicists theorize that altered consciousness allows tapping into zero-point energy for human levitation.

The term levitation comes from the Latin ‘levitas’, which means ‘lightness’. Levitation refers to the process of an object resisting gravity and is most often used in a paranormal or metaphysical context to describe an object that appears to rise through the air on its own. In a scientific context, levitation is technically achieved on aircraft, such as through the use of aerodynamic forces, or on small objects, such as through the use of magnets. The illusion of levitating humans is often conjured up as part of a magical or illusionist show, through the manipulation of lighting and other special effects.

In Hinduism, the power of levitation is believed to be attained through mystical means by certain Hindu gurus who have mastered the philosophy of yoga. In 1936, Yogi Subbayah Pullavar reportedly levitated in front of 150 witnesses for four minutes while in a trance and in a horizontal position. Another practice known as “yogic rebounding” is sometimes referred to as levitation but doesn’t technically qualify under the definition. Yogic bouncing or flying involves meditating and bouncing on your knees while in the lotus position.

Christianity includes several accounts of levitation, such as the New Testament accounts of Christ’s ability to walk on water and his ascension into heaven. Several saints are also said to have levitated, including Saint Joseph of Cupertino, Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint Philip of Neri, Saint John of the Cross and Saint Martín de Porres. On the opposite of the Christian spectrum, levitation has also been attributed to demonic possession, as in the 1906 case of Clara Germana Cele, a young girl allegedly levitated in South Africa who could only be brought back to earth by receiving douses of holy water .

Mediums have also reportedly levitated as part of spiritual séances; however, most claims of medium levitation have been debunked as being similar to illusionist shows, involving stage tricks such as wires and pulleys. Psychokinetics also claims to be able to levitate oneself or other objects. One such psychokineticist, Nina Kulagina, levitated small objects like wine glasses and ping pong balls in controlled environments where she was observed by scientists.

One theory held by some physicists regarding human levitation is that the minds of many are able to tap into the zero-point energy level, the lowest possible energy level held by a quantum mechanical physical system, while in a altered consciousness.

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