Libertarianism advocates for individual freedom and minimal government interference. In a libertarian society, everything would be privatized and the free market would maintain order. Libertarians oppose government handouts and believe in a “survival of the fittest” society. Modern libertarians are technologically savvy and oppose borders or coercion.
Libertarianism is a complex political philosophy that favors maximizing individual freedom and minimizing the concentration of power. Adherents of libertarianism, known as libertarians, want people to be allowed to do pretty much anything they want, unless they infringe on someone else’s rights or property. Proponents of libertarianism want to discard the huge collection of rules, regulations, laws, and prohibitions that are common to most governments around the world. In its extreme form, libertarianism is anarchism – the absence of all rules – but in practice, most libertarians advocate government as a necessary evil. Government for purposes of national defense is a typical example.
Absence of government interference
Libertarians view a libertarian society as a network of groups and individuals who define and enforce their own collective laws and norms without the interference of a national governing body. In a libertarian society, almost everything would be entirely privatized: law enforcement, research of all kinds, utilities, road maintenance, and so on. The idea is that if people want something, they will pay for it and supply will emerge to meet demand. This is the notion of the free market, which is also central to libertarianism.
Maintain order
Members of popular political parties fear that a libertarian society could degenerate into chaos. Libertarians argue that, on the contrary, the market would make order exist, eliminating the unnecessary excesses and wastes of big government and making society more efficient and effective. Proponents of libertarianism oppose any form of government handouts or social safety nets, so publicly funded programs that provide services like financial support, health insurance, and the like would all be dissolved and presumably replaced by private programs if any. that’s enough of a question for them. Libertarians believe, to some extent, that a “survival of the fittest” society would be a better place to live.
modern libertarianism
Historically, libertarianism has been underfunded and underorganized. This has changed slightly over time, because there has been a strong presence of libertarians in techno-savvy and entrepreneurial circles who have become very successful. Libertarians consider themselves forward-thinking and opposed to any kind of borders or coercion. They may also see supporters of more conventional political parties as tools of big government.