Lichen sclerosis is a chronic skin inflammation that can affect the genital, anal, upper arms, breasts, or torso areas. It is more common in postmenopausal women and can cause thinning, tearing, and scarring of the skin. Treatment options include surgery, creams, and light therapy. Regular checkups are necessary to prevent skin cancer.
Lichen sclerosis is a disease in which the skin becomes chronically inflamed, usually in the genital or anal sections of the body; however, it can also be found on the upper arms, breasts, or torso. While it can affect anyone, it is more common in postmenopausal women. In men, it is rare and in children, it is only rarely seen in uncircumcised boys.
Regardless of whether the affected person is an adult or a child, the symptoms of lichen sclerosis are similar. At first, the person will have small white spots that are shiny and fairly smooth. Then, the spots become larger patches and the skin becomes thinner and no longer smooth. Because of the way lichen sclerosis changes the thickness and texture of the skin, it is prone to tears, discoloration, blisters, and bruising. Additionally, the skin can become incredibly scarred, affecting the size of the genitals in women.
Depending on the severity, a person with lichen sclerosis may have no symptoms at all, while others may experience extreme pain and uncontrollable itching. Also, if the person is affected in non-genital areas, such as the arms or torso, they may just itch. Other problems can result from lichen sclerosis in the genital or anal areas, such as the inability to perform sexual intercourse, pain when urinating, or constipation.
Researchers aren’t sure what causes lichen sclerosis. Some believe it is the result of an overactive immune system. Others blame the disorder on hormones. In addition, genetics are thought to play an important role in determining whether a person will be affected by lichen sclerosis. Importantly, it is not contagious and cannot be spread through person-to-person contact.
People who are affected by lichen sclerosis can treat it. Generally, if the outbreak is on the arms or torso, it will go away on its own. Alternatively, if it is on the genital or anal areas of the body, it needs to be treated. If left untreated, lichen sclerosis in the genital and anal areas can lead to skin cancer. Treatment options include surgery, cortisone creams, retinoids, tacrolimus gel, and ultraviolet light treatment for non-genital areas of the body.
People who have been diagnosed with lichen sclerosis will need to have checkups with their doctors every six months to a year. This will prevent it from happening again. Also, the doctor will be able to verify that the disorder has not been replaced by skin cancer.