What’s masonry cement?

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Masonry cement is a strong, durable, and aesthetically pleasing mortar used for various types of masonry. It is produced in controlled conditions with additives for durability and color. The ASTM classifies it into three types, and workability is important for good application. Proper workmanship and grouting are also important for masonry durability.

Masonry cement is a special blended cement that is mixed in specific proportions with sand and water to form a strongly binding mortar. This mortar stands out for its strength, durability, aesthetic value and resistance to atmospheric and chemical deterioration. It is widely used for mortar and stucco masonry, block and brick masonry, but is not considered to be suitable strength-wise for concrete masonry.

Originally, masonry cements were created as a more reliable and faster alternative to field preparations of Portland cement and hydrated lime. They are a blend of Portland cement clinker, limestone filler or hydraulic lime, and various additives. This mixture is produced under controlled conditions in cement factories.

This cement is also inspected and tested to ensure that it complies with the standard specifications of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). Additives added in the manufacturing process give it durability, water-repellent and coloring properties. Masonry cements of different properties are used for different types of masonry.

The ASTM classifies masonry cements into three main types: N, S, and M. Type N is used to prepare general purpose mortars that can be used in the construction of exterior curtain walls and veneer walls. Type S and Type M are used in mortars for load-bearing structures as well as paving and below ground level masonry.

These cements are machine mixed in the proportions specified by ASTM to ensure good workability. Workability is important as the mortar must be plastic enough to be easily picked up and applied with a trowel. The life of the mortar board, which is how long it remains workable, can be affected by job site conditions and cause it to dry faster.

The use of dry mortar provides inadequate adhesion support to the masonry units and mixing with water weakens the strength cement bond. Furthermore, the mortar becomes completely unusable after two hours. For this reason it is advisable to mix the mortars only in the small quantities necessary.
In addition to the properties of the cementitious masonry mortar, the durability of the masonry depends on the level of workmanship of the mason. It will help to mix a grout that color complements the masonry units, apply it to adhere evenly between them, and properly detail the different masonry joints. The finished masonry will then be waterproof, and possibly stand for many years without requiring much maintenance or repair.

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