Medical astrology involves using charts and planetary positions to predict physical health and suggest treatments. It has no scientific basis and is considered pseudoscience. Each zodiac symbol corresponds to a body system or function, and astrologers use birth charts to determine rising signs and angles. Bed-break charts can also be used to diagnose and recommend treatment for illnesses.
Considered a type of spiritual healing, medical astrology or iatromathematics generally involves determining a person’s current and future physical health based on a series of charts and factors involving the positions of the planets. Practiced for centuries, this type of medieval medicine combines complex information obtained from birth charts and pressure charts, along with body systems associated with each zodiac sign and planet in our solar system. Medical astrology has no scientific basis and the practice is commonly referred to as pseudoscience.
Medical astrologers use planetary positions and planet-associated factors to explain or predict physical circumstances, including the duration or severity of illnesses, individual susceptibility to disease or illness, and the emotional, psychological, and physical strengths an individual may possess. Based on the astrological charts, practitioners could also determine what actions a person might take to improve or maintain health. Medical astrology can also suggest opportune times to seek elective medical treatment.
Each symbol of the zodiac corresponds to a particular system or function of the body. For example, Aries represents the brain, eyes, face and head. These assignments generally continue through to the Pisces symbol, which represents the feet, adipose tissue, and lymphatic system. Medical astrology also associates the sun and each planet with specific anatomical locations and bodily functions. The sun usually symbolizes the head, while the planet Pluto represents elimination processes and metabolism. Zodiac symbols could be further defined by association with the elements air, earth, fire and water.
People who want an astrological reading pertaining to health and well-being usually provide the information needed to formulate a birth chart. Primary data includes the day, month and year of birth, as well as the exact time if possible. Using this knowledge, astrologers calculate angles. These angles determine which zodiac sign was rising at the time of birth, the intersection point between the Earth’s orbit and the sun’s orbit, and the intersection point between the sun’s orbital path and the arc created by a line drawn from north and south poles.
Regarding your current illness or disease, medical astrology specialists could compile a bed-break chart. The chart typically displays all the symbols of the zodiac in a circle, commonly referred to as the 12 houses. The doctor will want to know the date and time of the patient’s first symptoms or consult a healthcare professional. This information represents the first house on the zodiac chart. From this position, the astrologer counts counterclockwise, tracing the 6th, 7th, 8th and 10th houses. The houses generally represent the disease, the physician’s diagnosis, and the prognosis, along with the recommended course of treatment.