Media transcription converts audio and video recordings into text formats for future reference. It is used in legal proceedings, podcasts, and business meetings, and can be helpful for understanding strong accents or speech defects. Transcription companies offer services for various text formats and can include timecodes and scene descriptions. Media transcripts can be useful for educational and business purposes.
Media transcription converts audio and video recordings into text formats, which can be used as reference tools in the future. You can transcribe a wide variety of media, including radio or TV shows, podcasts, business meetings, and interviews. Basically any event recorded through audio or video equipment can be transformed into a text document through multimedia transcription.
The legal system routinely uses media transcription to obtain text documents of depositions or interviews with witnesses. A police audio interview with a suspect, for example, is usually transcribed, with each juror in a trial receiving a copy of the transcript. This allows jurors to follow the conversation in written form while listening to the audio version.
Media transcription could prove especially useful when a person speaking on an audio tape is speaking with a strong foreign or regional accent. It also makes it easier to understand a conversation if a speech defect makes words unintelligible. In cases where several people join a discussion, the transcript allows the listener to distinguish between individual speakers.
Another form of media transcription involves podcasts, which could allow information to be shared with a larger group of listeners. Some podcasts are converted to text and posted on websites with links to audio or video versions. This keeps written records of each show.
Transcription companies typically provide these services, converting analog or digital recordings into documents. Many businesses create documents in various text formats, including PDFs and Word documents. Transcriptions of business conferences, meetings, documentaries, speeches by political candidates and feature films are some of the services offered by media transcription companies.
Timecodes or timestamps could be inserted into each line of text if the customer requests such details. Movie or TV show transcripts might describe the scene, indicate the music used, and include cues used in the production process. They typically include the credits in text form.
Raw footage, like reality shows that aren’t scripted, may be more difficult to transcribe. Media transcribers usually add a description of a scene or the person speaking to improve accuracy. They try to capture every word spoken in every scene, which could consist of multiple people speaking at the same time.
Media transcripts might be useful for business or educational purposes. Students may find college lecture transcripts useful as a study tool. A reporter might look for a written record of interviews to ensure accurate citations, especially when working on in-depth investigative articles. Some psychologists use transcripts to create written materials to share with colleagues in class.