Mental toughness is the ability to achieve a goal despite opposition or fatigue. It can be defined differently in sports and business, but it is valuable in all activities. It can be developed through practice or with the help of a professional.
Mental toughness is the resolve to achieve a given goal, but this term has slightly different definitions depending on the context. In sports, people generally think of mental toughness as the resolve to force the body to finish an action even when a person is tired. Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, may define mental toughness in terms of standing your ground and working hard even in the face of opposition. Sometimes people think of mental strength as personal strength, psychological strength, or even internal strength due to the invisible nature of this type of resolve. Many people believe that this type of strength can be exercised and developed, which is why there are many different programs and trainers available to help a person achieve greater mental toughness.
This type of strength is best thought of as the mind’s ability to make the body obey even in the face of opposition or fatigue, whether physical or emotional. For example, when running a marathon, mental strength is the quality that keeps a person’s legs moving, even when the person is in pain. The more difficult the activity, the more mental stamina is needed to complete the activity.
In sports, negotiations take place between the mind and the body, but in business, negotiations can take place within the mind. Mental strength in business often means letting go of doubts and insecurities and moving forward with projects that are risky or difficult. Strength in business can also mean sacrificing time when it’s inconvenient or even giving up sleep. This type of strength does not refer to the ability to defeat or humiliate others, but to dominate one’s own situation.
Internal strength is valuable in all activities, because this type of strength is what drives people to finish projects and strive for the best. People who don’t have a lot of inner strength aren’t necessarily bad people, but they may not be competitive in the same way as people who have this kind of strength. Of course, there is no inherent value in having psychological strength, as this is a personality trait sought only in certain cultures.
If a person feels they lack personal strength and would like to build inner resolve, then talking to a life coach or other similar professional may be a good strategy. Building psychological strength can also be done independently by simply facing adversity in your chosen arena and refusing to back down. Just like building strength in the body, building mental strength should be done gradually over time. With practice, a person who once had very little mental determination can become strong enough to accomplish almost any goal.