What’s Merkaba Meditation?

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Merkaba meditation draws power from rotating geometric energy fields around the meditator, which can lead to heightened awareness and access to alternative realities. Practitioners use breathing, hand movements, and concentration to awaken energy fields and balance feminine and masculine energies. The meditation can be practiced individually or in a group, and requires a dedicated environment and tools such as spirit candles and a meditation mat.

Based on ancient Egyptian energy mysticism, merkaba mediation is a type of spiritual insight that draws power from geometric energy fields that rotate and radiate light around the perimeter of the meditator. Practitioners of merkaba meditation believe that all souls are enveloped in illuminated energy fields in the shape of triangles that are either dormant or active depending on how much people use them. Rhythmic breathing, specific hand movements, and concentration are ways to awaken energy fields. These fields are the anchor of merkaba meditation, and interaction with them purportedly allows one to travel to the higher self, experience heightened awareness, and glimpse alternative realities or dimensions.

The energy fields activated through merkaba meditation are not stationary but dynamic; they consist of two stacked tetrahedrons pointing in opposite directions, similar to a three-dimensional Star of David. The planes of these sacred triangular fields cut through the meditator’s human body and constantly rotate counterclockwise. As they penetrate the meditator and merge with that person’s aura, the axes of energy fields supposedly align the body with spirit and mind. The spinning energy fields in merkaba meditation can move fast or slow, sometimes accelerating to the speed of light. Holistic consultants suggest that the energy fields are so expansive that they extend 55 feet (16.8 meters) beyond the meditator’s body.

A balancing activity, merkaba meditation allows people to access their feminine and masculine energies, giving them the potential to be intuitive and rational or active and receptive. Participants in regular and consistent merkaba meditation report less stress, healing from physical and emotional pain, and the ability to recall long-lost memories. Some meditators claim to feel a stronger connection with God.

To begin merkaba meditation and activate your energy fields, you must practice a 17-breath pattern of slow, conscious breathing while making hand movements known as “murdra.” Mudras are religious and ritual hand signals that convey meanings of things like love, concentration, reason, and devotion. Merkaba meditation instructors teach beginners how to perform these physical tasks. In addition to breathing and hand signals, practitioners are taught to open their heart, which has its own electromagnetic energy that must remain unattended to achieve harmony.

While this meditation can be practiced individually, some prefer to practice merkaba in a group to benefit from the shared energy. The environment used for merkaba meditation is often consecrated so that it cannot be used for other activities. Spirit candles and a dedicated meditation mat are the main tools needed.

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