The mycelium is the vegetative part of a mushroom that propagates through asexual reproduction and absorbs nutrients from the environment. It can be extensive and used in agriculture, landscaping, and mycofiltration. Some mushrooms use both sexual and asexual reproduction.
The mycelium is the vegetative portion of a mushroom, meaning it is the portion that propagates through asexual reproduction. It consists of a network of hyphae, branched or forked thread-like structures. Depending on the type of mushroom and how well developed it is, the mycelium can be visible or microscopic. Mold growing on rotting food, for example, is a visible form.
In addition to asexual reproduction, the mycelium is responsible for absorbing nutrients from the environment. It releases enzymes into its surroundings to break down the food source into a digestible form, then absorbs it. This process also helps dead plant material and other organic material to decompose. The material can also help renew soil through this process, for example by breaking down contaminants such as pesticides. Some mycelia help plants absorb water and nutrients more efficiently, and others are also important food sources for soil-dwelling invertebrates.
The mycelia can also be extremely extensive. An infamous mushroom colony in the eastern Oregon forest once covered 2,400 acres (9.7 sq km). It grew to that size in about 2,200 years and killed plant growth in the forest many times over, each time leading to deeper soil layers that could resist the growth of ever larger trees.
Sometimes, the mycelium is used in agriculture or landscaping. In addition to its ability to replenish nutrients, some types of fungi form a symbiotic relationship, called mycorrhiza, with a plant’s roots. The plant and the fungus help each other receive nutrients that they could not get on their own. Mycelium can also be used as an organic filter for soil or water in a process called mycofiltration, in which a mycelial mat keeps harmful chemicals and microorganisms out. They are also sometimes used to hold new ground in place on unpaved roads.
Some types of mushrooms use sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction. The sexually reproducing portion of a fungus arises from the mycelium and is called the sporocarp or fruiting body. The fruiting bodies of many different types of mushrooms are known as mushrooms or truffles, although there are other types.