What’s Nanjing’s Rape?

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The Rape of Nanjing, also known as the Nanjing Massacre or Chinese Holocaust, was a violent capture of China’s capital by the Japanese in 1937-1938. An estimated 300,000 Chinese civilians and soldiers were killed, and horrific acts of violence, including rape and murder, were committed. The Japanese government did not adequately apologize, and Iris Chang’s book, The Rape of Nanking, is one of the first English-language books on the topic. The Nanking Safety Zone, formed by foreigners in Nanjing, hosted refugee camps and received donations. The Japanese military accused John Rabe of allowing guerrilla soldiers to enter the area, giving them permission to enter and commit atrocities.

The Rape of Nanjing refers to the violent 1937-1938 capture of China’s capital at that point, Nanjing, by the Japanese. The Nanjing Rape is also called the Nanjing Massacre, the Chinese Holocaust, and the Forgotten Holocaust. The horrific violence, including murder and rape, that took place during this overrun of the city of Nanjing resulted in an estimated 300,000 Chinese civilian and soldier deaths. Dead bodies and blood were said to be commonplace on the streets of Nanjing during the Forgotten Holocaust.

In 1937, during the Second Sino-Japanese War, the Chinese military allowed the Japanese to invade and occupy Nanjing, also known as Nanking. Because the Japanese could outnumber Chinese military personnel, many Chinese civilians were injured or killed. Rape, shooting, stabbing, strangulation and drowning were some of the violent acts that the Japanese military committed against the Chinese people in the Rape of Nanjing. Some Japanese soldiers locked up families or stored workers inside a building and then set the house or shop on fire.

The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II is the title of a 1997 bestseller written by Chinese-American author Iris Chang. According to Chang, the Japanese government did not adequately apologize for the violent capture of Nanjing during the Chinese Holocaust. Chang’s book is available in various languages ​​and is one of the first English-language books on The Rape of Nanking. Although some critics say Chang’s book is inaccurate in parts, many others praise the work.

Much of the research for Chang’s book came from the journals of Minnie Vautrin and John Rabe who were part of The Nanking Safety Zone. The Zone was formed by foreigners in Nanjing. It hosted about 25 refugee camps who received donations of money and food from the city of Nanjing.

The Japanese military had decided not to enter the Nanjing Security Zone as long as it contained only non-military personnel. Nazi Party member John Rabe was one of the leaders of The Nanking Safety Zone project. The Japanese military accused Rabe of allowing non-uniformed guerrilla soldiers to enter the area, and they used this information as permission to enter the Nanjing Security Zone and rape and kill many people there.

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