Natrum muriaticum, a homeopathic remedy made from diluted table salt, is used to treat emotional distress and related symptoms. Homeopathic practitioners prescribe remedies based on a patient’s full body evaluation, and it is recommended to visit a trained practitioner for the most effective treatment.
Natrum muriaticum is a preparation used in homeopathic medicine. Like other homeopathic preparations, Natrum Muriaticum is more properly referred to as a “remedy”. Remedies are available direct from homeopathic practitioners and also from health food stores and markets that stock supplies and preparations used in the practice of alternative medicines.
Remedies are made by taking a substance and diluting it to an extreme degree, such that the active ingredients can rarely be identified in chemical tests. According to the principles of Samuel Hahnemann, the German physician who developed homeopathic medicine, “like cures like” and homeopaths use remedies derived from substances that cause symptoms to treat those same symptoms when observed in patients. Natrum muriaticum is known as a polycrest, which means it can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions.
In the case of Natrum muriaticum, also known as Nat-m or Nat. mur., the remedy consists of common table salt which is diluted. It can be found in tinctures, pellets and tablets in varying concentrations. This polycrest is used to treat people with symptoms related to emotional distress, which can include emotional distress along with digestive upset, poor skin, and ulcers.
When a homeopathic doctor prescribes a remedy, he interviews the patient to get a full body view. In addition to evaluating the complaint that brought the patient to the study, the homeopath also looks for other clues which can be used to determine which remedy would be most appropriate for the patient. The prescription can be provided in the office, with the homeopath administering it immediately to the patient, and the patient can be asked to return for follow-up visits, or the remedy can be taken home for further administration.
Natrum muriaticum should be used in the treatment of chronic conditions. It can be used for depression, extreme stress, nervousness, emotional arousal and emotional distance. People with a Nat. Mur. The personality, which indicates that Natrum muriaticum will be an effective treatment, tends to be quiet, reserved and serious. They may reclaim self-reliance and self-confidence, even if they don’t actually experience these emotions, and it can be difficult to access them emotionally.
While it is possible to buy remedies in the shop, many practitioners recommend visiting a homeopath for an interview and a prescription. Homeopathy is extremely complex and only a trained practitioner can fully evaluate a patient to determine which remedy or remedies may be the most helpful.